You think you know everything about narcissists, including what to expect from them in certain situations.
Then one day, you find yourself driving and you feel terrified. That’s something new!
Your problems with narcissists usually stem from their abusive and manipulative tactics during routine interactions and communication.
It turns out that narcissistic traits don’t just affect everyday interactions. They extend to every area of your life.
So if you feel unsafe while driving, you’re not alone.
If you’ve never been afraid of someone driving before, you may be shocked when you feel fear while in the car with a narcissist.
Don’t worry; you’re not out of your mind. Many people are in your situation, and they’re deeply concerned about a narcissist’s driving habits.
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You feel unsafe for the same reason you feel uncomfortable in any situation with a narcissist. If you need a reminder of who a narcissist is, we’ll cover the reasons below.
They lack empathy for you
If you feel unsafe with a narcissist behind the wheel, it’s probably because they lack empathy.
They don’t care about your safety or comfort while driving, so they don’t realize that you might be feeling uncomfortable in the first place.
Because of their lack of empathy, any concerns you express will be ignored. They don’t care if you feel unsafe.
Be strong! That’s what they want you to do!
Of course, they’re wrong, but you get the point.
They can be extremely reckless
Narcissists generally don’t think about risks or consequences. You don’t have to worry about consequences anyway, because they’ll blame someone else and move on with their day if something tragic happens.
When it comes to driving, it means that they only live for the moment. If speeding or breaking the law meets their immediate needs, they don’t care how it affects you.
This impulsiveness can make you feel extremely intimidated when they hit the gas pedal and weave between lanes.
They Need Control
Narcissists need to be in control and dominate you, so they will ignore any concerns you express about their driving.
Related : What Happens When You Apologize to a Narcissist?
If you give them feedback about their out-of-control driving, you are disrespecting their dominance. Narcissists make all the decisions, including when they drive.
When their driving scares you, don’t expect that to change. Disrespecting them by pointing out their terrible driving can lead them to drive even more erratically.
They’ll show you!
They’re Prone to Road Rage
In case you forgot, narcissists are superior to everyone else, and their needs come first. They don’t care if others have needs, hopes, dreams, or desires.
This translates into extreme road rage. If someone cuts them off or they feel like they’re not getting the treatment they deserve, they’ll lose their cool.
This may lead to following another car too closely, slamming on the brakes, or taking extreme risks to pass another car.
Related : Never Do This to a Narcissist!
A narcissist doesn’t have time to deal with other people on the road. If they are forced to deal with them in a way they don’t want to, expect some scary, angry driving.
The rules of the road don’t apply to narcissists. Speed limits are just a suggestion; they certainly don’t have to show the usual courtesy to other drivers.
Remember, narcissists are entitled to do what they want, when they want. Did you forget that they are special?
This sense of entitlement can lead to some very strange driving. A narcissist doesn’t care if it bothers you. They are allowed to drive this way because they want to!