9 Reasons Why Narcissists Make You Believe You Are Not Good Enough

Narcissists can have a profound impact on the self-esteem of those around them, often making others feel inadequate or inferior. Their manipulative behavior is designed to maintain their sense of superiority and control over others. Here are nine reasons why narcissists make you believe you’re not good enough:

1. Constant Criticism and Put-Downs

Narcissists frequently belittle others, whether through overt insults or subtle jabs. They thrive on making others feel small because it boosts their own ego. By constantly pointing out flaws, they condition you to focus on your perceived weaknesses and inadequacies.

2. Gaslighting

Gaslighting is a favorite tactic of narcissists, where they manipulate you into doubting your reality. They twist facts, deny events, and downplay your achievements, leaving you questioning your memory and judgment. Over time, this erodes your self-confidence, making you feel less competent and worthy.

3. Devaluation After Idealization

In relationships with narcissists, they often start by idealizing you, praising you to the skies, and making you feel special. Once you’re hooked, they switch to devaluation, where they criticize and degrade you. This emotional rollercoaster leaves you feeling confused and desperate to regain their approval.

4. Projection of Their Insecurities

Narcissists project their own insecurities onto others. If they feel inadequate or vulnerable in certain areas, they accuse you of having those same flaws. By shifting the blame, they deflect attention from their own weaknesses, making you feel at fault.

5. Undermining Your Achievements

When you accomplish something significant, narcissists downplay or dismiss your success. They might say, “It’s not that big of a deal” or “Anyone could have done that.” This diminishes your sense of accomplishment and makes you feel that nothing you do is ever good enough.

6. Comparison and Competition

Narcissists are often highly competitive, constantly comparing themselves to others. They may highlight how others are supposedly better than you, further fueling feelings of inadequacy. Their need to always be the best leaves little room for you to feel appreciated or valued.

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7. Control Through Dependency

Narcissists often create a dynamic where you feel dependent on them for validation and approval. They might act as if they are the only ones who truly understand or support you. This dependency makes you crave their approval, making you feel inadequate when it’s withheld.

8. Shifting Goalposts

With narcissists, no matter how hard you try or what you achieve, it’s never enough. They constantly raise their expectations, creating an ever-changing standard of success. This makes you feel like you’re always falling short, reinforcing the belief that you’re not good enough.

9. Emotional Manipulation and Silent Treatment

Narcissists use emotional manipulation, such as giving you the silent treatment or withholding affection, as a way to control your feelings. This emotional withdrawal makes you feel anxious and desperate for reconciliation, often leading to self-blame and feelings of worthlessness.


Narcissists skillfully manipulate those around them, using tactics like criticism, gaslighting, and emotional withdrawal to erode your self-worth. Understanding these strategies is the first step toward breaking free from their influence and reclaiming your confidence. You are more than enough — but narcissists make you feel otherwise to keep themselves in control. Recognize their behavior for what it is: a reflection of their own insecurities, not your true value.

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