9 habits to adopt now to become a more mindful and happy person in 60 days time

Living a more conscious and happy life isn’t just about fleeting moments of joy—it’s about adopting habits that foster sustainable contentment and self-awareness.

It’s an empowering journey that begins with recognizing our power to shape our experiences, rather than blaming external circumstances.

With the right practices, it’s possible to bring about significant positive change in just 60 days. We can learn how to better cope with life’s challenges, cultivate deeper relationships, and create a life that’s in line with our most authentic selves.

Let’s explore habits you can adopt starting today, to become a more conscious and happier person in 60 days.

1) Develop a daily mindfulness practice

A crucial habit to adopt for a more conscious and happier life is mindfulness. It may sound like a modern buzzword, but its roots go back a long way, and its impact on our well-being is profound.

Mindfulness is about being fully engaged in the present moment. It’s about paying attention to our thoughts, feelings, and sensations without judgment. This simple act of noticing things can help us develop a deeper understanding of ourselves and our responses to the world around us.

Establishing a daily meditation practice doesn’t have to mean meditating for hours on end. It can be as simple as taking a few minutes each day to breathe deeply and focus on your body and surroundings. This conscious act of grounding yourself in the present can help reduce stress, enhance self-awareness, and promote peace of mind.

Incorporating this practice into your daily routine may seem difficult at first, especially in our fast-paced world that often encourages multitasking. But remember, it’s not about achieving perfection—it’s about putting in the effort.

By practicing meditation daily, you’re choosing to fully engage with your life, embracing its challenges and triumphs. Over 60 days, this habit can dramatically improve your outlook on life and contribute to a greater sense of well-being.

2) Embrace Challenges as Opportunities

Another important habit to incorporate into your life is to view challenges not as barriers, but as opportunities for growth and learning. In my journey, I’ve found that the most challenging experiences often offer the richest lessons.

This shift in thinking can be transformative. It encourages resilience and fosters a sense of empowerment. Instead of feeling defeated when faced with obstacles, we can choose to see these moments as opportunities to learn, adapt, and grow stronger.

It’s about embracing failure not as a dead end, but as feedback. As an invitation to reevaluate our approach and discover creative solutions. Remember, every challenge contains within it the seeds of creative potential.

In the words of Thomas Edison, who made thousands of failed attempts before inventing the light bulb: “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.”

His perspective embodies the power of perseverance and reframing setbacks as the building blocks to success—and over a few months, you’re sure to see amazing results with this outlook on life.

3) Find Self-Awareness Through Meditation

One path to a more conscious and happy life lies in the pursuit of self-awareness. It’s about taking the time to look inward, to understand our thoughts, feelings, and motivations.

In my journey, I’ve found that meditation is a foundational habit that supports self-awareness. It’s about asking myself tough questions, challenging my narratives, and seeking to understand my true self.

If you’re interested in this journey toward self-awareness and want more guidance on living a life of greater purpose and freedom, I invite you to join me and 20,000 others on YouTube. You can click here to subscribe.

4) Engage in Conscious Consumption

In a world where every purchase we make leaves a mark, the habit of conscious consumption is becoming increasingly important. It’s not just about the products we choose to buy, it’s also about the companies we choose to support.

Every financial choice we make is a vote for the kind of world we want to live in. By directing our resources toward companies and initiatives that advance social good, we contribute to a more just and sustainable future.

This requires us to be more than just consumers. It requires us to be informed and responsible citizens. It’s about understanding that our money has the power to shape societies and economies, and using that power wisely.

It’s not always the easiest path. It might mean spending more on a product from a company that pays fair wages or taking the time to research before making a purchase. But every conscious choice, every dollar spent consciously, brings us one step closer to aligning our financial decisions with our deepest values.

Adopting a mindful consumption habit may seem like a small change at first, but it makes a huge difference. Not only in your life but in the world around you. It’s an act of empowerment, one purchase at a time.

5) Embrace the Power of Community

In our quest to become more mindful and happy, it’s easy to overlook the profound importance of community. Yet it’s through our connections with others that we find resilience to overcome challenges and the joy of shared experiences.

We are social beings by nature. We thrive on collaboration, empathy, and mutual respect. Our relationships are not just a source of support, but also a mirror that reflects to us our strengths and areas for growth.

Being part of a community isn’t about fitting into a mold or suppressing our individuality. Rather, it’s about bringing our authentic selves to our interactions, contributing our unique talents, and learning from the diverse perspectives around us.

6) Recognize the Illusion of Happiness

In a world that often sells the promise of permanent happiness, it’s crucial to understand that happiness isn’t a permanent state. The pursuit of permanent happiness can lead to frustration and disappointment.

This doesn’t mean we should deny the importance of joy or contentment. It’s about embracing life in all its complexity—the highs, the lows, and everything in between.

Happiness isn’t a destination to be reached, but a byproduct of living authentically and mindfully. It’s about aligning our actions with our values, cultivating meaningful relationships, and being present in each moment.

Sometimes, this means embracing discomfort or difficult feelings. It’s in these moments of vulnerability that we often experience profound growth and self-discovery.

So instead of chasing an elusive state of perpetual happiness, let’s strive for authenticity, self-awareness, and contentment. Throughout a couple of months, this shift in perspective can lead to a deeper sense of fulfillment and peace.

7) Cultivate an Attitude of Gratitude

Gratitude is more than just saying thank you. It’s a mindset, a way of seeing the world that focuses on abundance rather than lack. It’s about appreciating what we have, rather than constantly seeking more.

Practicing gratitude can have profound effects on our well-being. Numerous studies have shown that it can boost happiness levels, reduce stress, and improve our physical health.

Adopting a gratitude practice can be as simple as keeping a journal where you write down three things you’re grateful for—and keeping it for 60 days. Remember, these things don’t have to be big; even small moments of joy or simple pleasures are worth acknowledging.

Gradually, this practice will shift your focus from what’s lacking in your life to the abundance that’s already there. It’s a powerful way to cultivate contentment and joy.

8) Invest in Personal Growth

Our journey to becoming more mindful and happy is essentially a journey of personal growth. It’s about becoming more self-aware, challenging our limiting beliefs, and learning how to approach life with resilience and grace.

Investing in personal growth can include reading insightful books, attending workshops or courses, or seeking therapy or coaching. It can also mean engaging in deep conversations with friends or setting aside time for solitude and reflection.

Keep in mind that personal growth is not a race. It’s not about arriving at a destination or ticking off a to-do list. It’s about the journey itself—the insights we gain, the changes we make, and the person we become along the way.

9) Embrace Self-Compassion

Last but not least, let’s talk about self-compassion—an often overlooked but essential habit for our mental and emotional well-being.

Self-compassion means treating ourselves with the same kindness and understanding that we would a good friend. It’s about acknowledging our flaws and failures, not as signs of worthlessness, but as part of the shared human experience.

Practicing self-compassion means letting go of self-judgment and self-criticism. It’s about recognizing that everyone makes mistakes, and faces challenges, and it’s okay to be imperfect.

Over 60 days, cultivating self-compassion can help silence your inner critic, boost your self-esteem, and foster a more loving relationship with yourself. Because, ultimately, you are as deserving of your love and kindness as anyone else.

Connecting the Dots

The journey to awakening and happiness is not a straight path. It’s more like a series of habits, each shining its light, contributing to a bigger picture. Like the stars in the night sky, these habits may seem separate at first glance, but when we connect the dots, we begin to see the larger pattern they form.

This pattern is unique to each individual. What works for one person may not work for another. But by adopting and experimenting with these habits, you are playing a proactive role in shaping your constellation of well-being.

Whether it’s practicing mindfulness, embracing challenges, cultivating self-awareness, becoming a conscious consumer, appreciating the power of community, expressing gratitude, investing in personal growth, or cultivating self-compassion—each habit offers its gift on this journey.

Over 60 days, these habits can lead to significant shifts in your outlook and quality of life. They can guide you toward a more mindful and joyful existence, living in alignment with your deepest values.

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