9 classic signs of gaslighting that most people overlook, according to psychology

As human beings, it’s important to feel valued, understood and appreciated.

Sadly, these qualities are missing in a relationship that involves emotional manipulation.

Emotional manipulation is a subtle form of emotional abuse where one person manipulates another person into questioning their reality, memory, or perceptions.

It’s subtle but incredibly damaging.

The perpetrator typically demonstrates a pattern of confusion, manipulation, and distortion of the truth, causing the victim to question their sanity or judgment.

Unfortunately, this behavior often escalates over time and can be difficult to spot at first.

In this article, we’ll highlight some classic signs of emotional manipulation that most people overlook, according to psychology.

Recognizing these subtle signs is the first step toward breaking free from this toxic behavior.

1) They’re Twisting Your Reality

Emotional manipulation isn’t always easy to recognize. It’s often a slow, gradual process that destroys your reality.

You may find yourself reconsidering decisions and memories that you once felt confident about. Your partner may systematically refute your version of events or experiences, making you question your perception.

In some cases, they may spin stories about things that never happened or deny things that did happen. They may accuse you of being overly sensitive or overreacting when you try to share your feelings.

The goal of manipulation is often to create a fog of doubt and confusion where the victim loses confidence in their memory, judgment, and ultimately their self-esteem.

This can lead to deep feelings of insecurity and reliance on manipulation for validation.

2) They use your vulnerabilities against you

Every relationship requires a certain level of vulnerability, and in a healthy relationship, your partner respects and protects these vulnerabilities.

However, in the presence of manipulation, these vulnerabilities are exploited.

You may notice your partner using your vulnerabilities or insecurities as ammunition in arguments or to belittle you.

If you have shared a deep fear or traumatic experience in the past, they may use this knowledge to manipulate and control you.

For example, if you mention that you have felt abandoned in the past, the manipulator may threaten to leave you during an argument. This is done to trigger your fear and make you comply with their wishes.

Essentially, they are using your trust against you, making you feel insecure and dependent on them for emotional validation.

3) They shower you with affection

A common misconception is that people who manipulate you are always mean or abusive. In reality, their manipulation is often interspersed with periods of love, affection, and kindness.

This can be very confusing. One moment they may be making you feel worthless, and the next they are making grand gestures of love.

This cycle can make it difficult to identify abusive patterns.

You may find yourself clinging to these emotional moments as proof that they truly care about you. However, this is often a calculated move by the manipulator to keep you off balance and more vulnerable to manipulation.

The highs of emotional manipulation make the lows seem bearable, making it harder to leave the toxic relationship.

4) They Make You Feel Like You’re Always in the Wrong

This is one of the most painful aspects of gaslighting—the constant feeling that you’re in the wrong, no matter what. It’s an all-encompassing sense of guilt that’s hard to shake.

Your partner may blame you for things that aren’t your fault, or they may twist situations to make it seem like you’re the one causing the problems.

Even when you know deep down that something isn’t right, they have a way of making it seem like it’s all your fault.

You may find yourself constantly apologizing, trying to fix things, or walking on eggshells to avoid conflict. The fear of making a mistake becomes so ingrained that it’s hard to make decisions or express your feelings.

What’s worse, this guilt can linger even after you’ve left the relationship, making it difficult to recover and move on. It’s a cruel trick that can damage your self-esteem and self-worth in the long run.

5) They make you question your sanity

With the manipulation of others, it is not uncommon for you to start questioning your sanity. It is a harsh effect of the manipulation and lies they feed you.

Your partner may dismiss serious issues as “jokes” or accuse you of misremembering events. They may label you as overly sensitive, dramatic, or even crazy when you express your feelings or concerns.

But remember, this is not a reflection of your mental stability. It’s a manipulation tactic designed to make you question your reality and undermine your self-confidence.

Please know that it’s okay to trust your feelings and intuition. You’re not crazy; you’re just trapped in a toxic loop designed to make you doubt yourself.

You deserve better, and some people can help guide you toward healthier relationships.

6) They Keep You Guessing

If you ever feel like you’re constantly walking on eggshells around your partner, not knowing what might trigger them, you may be experiencing some form of manipulation.

One day, they may react calmly to a situation. The next, the same scenario could lead to an intense emotional outburst.

This unpredictable behavior keeps you in a constant state of anxiety and discomfort.

You may find yourself overthinking your actions and words, trying to make sure they don’t trigger any kind of negative reaction.

It’s like living in an emotional minefield where you’re constantly guessing what’s safe and what’s not.

This is not how a relationship should feel. You should feel safe and comfortable with your partner, not living in constant fear of their unpredictability.

7) They Have a Knack for Playing the Victim

If your partner wins an Oscar for playing the victim, they’ll probably win awards every year.

Yes, emotional manipulators are usually adept at playing the victim.

No matter what happens, they’ll somehow twist the narrative to portray themselves as the misunderstood hero or the innocent victim.

They may even flip situations around to make it seem like they’ve been wronged, even when they’re clearly in the wrong.

“Oh no, it’s not me! I’m just trying to help,” or “You misunderstood, I didn’t mean it that way,” are common lines in their texts. They may add a dramatic sigh or a few crocodile tears for effect.

It’s like watching a soap opera play out in front of your eyes, except you’re living it. But remember, life isn’t a stage and you definitely shouldn’t stay for bad shows!

8) They Never Take Responsibility

Listen up, if your partner always seems to avoid responsibility as if they’re in a high-stakes game of shuffleboard, it’s time to pay attention.

A person who’s emotionally manipulating will rarely, if ever, admit they’re wrong. Any mistake, misfortune, or misfortune is immediately shifted onto someone else — usually you.

They may twist the truth, change the subject, or even outright lie to avoid taking the blame.

“It’s not my fault you misunderstood” or “If you hadn’t done that, I wouldn’t have acted that way” are typical justifications they may use.

While it’s easier to believe these excuses or even blame Yourself, it is important to remember that everyone needs to take responsibility for their actions.

You are not a scapegoat or a punching bag for someone else’s inability to admit their mistakes.

You deserve better.

9) They undermine your self-esteem

The ultimate goal of those who manipulate you is to erode your self-esteem so that you rely on them to validate your actions and test the truth.

You may begin to doubt your worth, your abilities, and even your sanity. You may feel like you can’t do anything right or that you are the cause of all the problems in the relationship.

Here’s the most important thing to remember: It’s not your fault. You are not the problem. They are the problem.

You are worthy, capable, and deserving of respect and kindness. Don’t let anyone make you feel otherwise.

It’s okay to seek help and walk away from relationships that are harming your mental health. There is a whole world out there ready to love and appreciate you for who you are.

Final Thoughts

Being in a relationship where you are constantly questioning your reality, feeling guilty, or questioning your sanity can be emotionally draining.

As Dr. Jill Saltz, a psychologist and host of The Power of Different podcast, puts it, “Emotional manipulation is like someone saying the sky is green over and over again, and at first, you’re like, ‘No, no.’”

“Then over time, the person starts manipulating you into saying, ‘I guess I can’t see the color of the sky.’ It just feels unrealistic.”

It’s important to understand that you can’t change the emotional manipulation person or their behavior, no matter how much you care about them. They have to choose to change for themselves.

And remember, it’s okay to walk away. You’re not obligated to stay in a relationship that’s undermining your mental health or self-esteem.

Cutting ties can be hard, but sometimes it’s the kindest thing you can do for yourself.

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