If you think two narcissists would cause the ultimate in destruction together, you’re right.
They’re a powerful duo, capable of causing significant damage… to each other and to the rest of the world.
However, there are reasons why they’re successful. And by successful, I don’t mean they’re destined to live happily ever after…
…but they enjoy dating each other.
Are you ready to hear how two inflated egos can succeed?
Wait a minute…
Is It Even Possible…?!
You’ll Be Surprised!
Of course, yes, two inflated egos can find each other attractive and date successfully…
…However, I can’t promise the reasons won’t be embarrassing.
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Does “forever” really mean “forever”?
Forever doesn’t really matter to narcissists. They can say that because, to them, “forever” is just a word. That doesn’t mean they have to stick to it; they just understand that about each other.
When one narcissist breaks up with another, you’ll find a lot of contempt and unpleasant reactions. Not because they thought they’d stay together forever, but mostly because they were the one who “broke up.”
In reality, there’s no love lost when two narcissists break up, and it works wonders for them.
Let’s move on to these 9 embarrassing reasons why narcissists enjoy dating other narcissists!
- Intimacy can be a silent thing to understand
Narcissists hate intimacy. They pretend to love it because it helps them connect with their spouse. After all, there must be positive aspects to them for a spouse to stay, right?
Narcissists are fleeting in their intimate relationships, and sex is often their starting point and the end of their comfort zone. They’re not afraid to socialize with you, but they’re afraid of the post-sex conversations about love and the future it will initiate.
This is why narcissists thrive when they’re together—the future is often absent.
Sex starts and ends, and then things fall back into place. Their superficial views of life complement each other at times like these—and as weird as it may sound—they enjoy it!
- Two Egos Collide
Who has the biggest brain?
Hey! They both do!
Can you imagine the devastation caused by one ego, then double it?!
People need to take cover!
There’s nothing good or fun about having two egos in the same room. They openly compete and become in competition with each other, but that’s just how it is for them.
Related : 12 Ways To Unsettle Narcissists
No one gets noticed. People just pass by; it’s just the two main characters.
- To Look Good
Oh my God, look, someone else loves the finer things in life!
What a wonderful achievement this person will add to my arms!
They have everything—even if it’s fake—and they pretend to be beautiful!
Narcissists love to be in each other’s arms, especially when they’re together. They love to impress individually, so when they’re together, they make each other look beautiful.
They don’t realize how much positive energy they absorb from the room equally…
- Their Material Lives Are Falling Apart
Narcissists are obsessed with having the best of everything, just like each other. If it’s not the latest kitchen appliance they can show off, it’s the newest car or the most enviable airline vacation they can get.
It goes beyond bragging. A narcissist’s material life makes up most of their image. They believe that people will associate their greatness with their personality if they have great things.
You heard me right.
Narcissists are shallow enough to think the two are related.
Related : This is What You Tell People Who Don’t Believe You Were Abused By a Narcissist
Since narcissists typically compete to be first, if you have two narcissists dating, they come as one person, competing as one.
- “Look at us” – The Power Couple
Narcissists like to be looked at without being attached to others.
Look at me, I have so much to offer.
Look at what I can do in the world!
Look at all my relationships, the people I know, the places I connect with.
Combine this with another narcissistic ego, and you’ll definitely see two people growing stronger together.
Anyone outside that toxic bubble will feel inferior. On the surface, they seem to live in their own world, and we’re all just ticket holders to see the show.
- Two wrongs somehow make a right – currently
I find it strange to think that two wrongs make a right, because at their core, they don’t. Two people who are destructive and intent on doing so shouldn’t suddenly become angels—and they don’t.
However, they do work together, even if only for a short time. I don’t want to assume that all narcissists, when dating, always break up—but they often do.
You simply can’t maintain two huge egos in one relationship forever—it’s unhealthy, even when you’re in a relationship!
But in the beginning, yes, there are sparks, even fireworks. And it works for a while.
- Fireworks!
Speaking of fireworks, I think this reason deserves its own category!
When two narcissists meet and decide to date, the reason is usually the same: passion. They know exactly how to please each other, and things are likely to be intense and explosive.
Related : What to Do When The Narcissist Spreads Lies About You
This is what narcissists are good at, and in doing so, they somewhat counteract their insecurities, albeit temporarily, through intense physical closeness.
- Reflection of Themselves
Narcissists are familiar with other narcissists, in the sense that they see them as a reflection of themselves.
This closeness, which they feel they can handle and cope with daily, is what keeps many relationships alive.
Neither narcissist wants to bring up topics like insecurity or future promises. Both know how uncomfortable this makes them, so they avoid it.
You can see why they work so hard all the time!
However, that’s a mirror I don’t want to own!
- Complete Ignorance of the Dramatic Ending
Narcissists don’t look to the future. They only look to the past, where all their resentment stems from!
There will always be a dramatic end when two narcissists break up, but they don’t think about it now.
They only care about the present moment and how much support they have from each other.
Not worrying about the end of a relationship often means it thrives even more…
…until it burns down!