8 Weird Phone Calling Habits of a Narcissist

Narcissists have unique behaviors when it comes to communication, and phone calls are no exception. Their patterns can often be confusing or manipulative. Here are eight strange habits narcissists exhibit during phone conversations:

1. Calling at Inconvenient Times

Narcissists may call you when it’s least convenient—during a busy workday, late at night, or when you’re occupied with important matters. This habit is often a way to assert control or test boundaries. By interrupting your routine, they force you to prioritize them.

2. Monopolizing the Conversation

A narcissist’s phone calls often become one-sided. They dominate the conversation, rarely giving you a chance to speak or share. This reflects their need to be the center of attention, showing little interest in others’ thoughts or feelings.

3. Using Calls for Manipulation

Narcissists may use phone calls as a tool to manipulate emotions. Whether it’s guilt-tripping you, playing the victim, or making grand promises, these tactics keep you emotionally hooked. They might alternate between being overly kind and suddenly aggressive, leaving you uncertain of their motives.

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4. Frequent Missed Calls Without Leaving Messages

A narcissist may call multiple times in a row but not leave a voicemail or message. This habit is a form of passive control, creating a sense of urgency and keeping you guessing about what they wanted. It’s a way to make you reach out to them, putting you in a position of seeking their attention.

5. Silent Treatment via the Phone

When a narcissist feels slighted or wants to punish you, they might give you the silent treatment—ignoring your calls or refusing to respond to texts. This is a tactic to assert power and make you feel anxious, as they withhold communication to maintain control.

6. Constantly Hanging Up Abruptly

Hanging up the phone abruptly during arguments or when they don’t get their way is a common habit. It’s a power play, a way to cut off the conversation when they feel they’re losing control or are no longer the focus of attention. It leaves you feeling dismissed and disrespected.

7. Gaslighting During Conversations

Narcissists often gaslight during phone calls, making you question your reality. They may deny previous conversations, twist your words, or accuse you of being overly sensitive. This tactic undermines your confidence and leaves you second-guessing what was said or agreed upon.

8. Constant Interruptions

Narcissists tend to interrupt frequently during phone calls, not allowing you to finish your thoughts. This shows their lack of interest in what you’re saying and reinforces their need to control the direction of the conversation. They may change the subject to something about themselves or something that benefits them.


These habits reveal the narcissist’s need for control and attention, and phone conversations are just another medium for them to assert dominance. If you’re dealing with someone who exhibits these behaviors, it’s important to set boundaries and recognize the manipulation tactics at play.

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