First, let’s define the fake relationship. This would be any type of relationship where you’re not happy and you’re not having a good time with your partner, no matter how much you try to convince yourself otherwise.
This is a relationship that is doomed from the beginning because you refuse to see it for what it is.
Your fear of being single forever or your past heartbreak makes you settle for a man who is far less than you deserve.
There may be times when he occasionally makes a kind gesture or says a kind word but that rarely happens.
Fake relationships are very similar to one-sided relationships. One partner does what he wants, without putting in much effort, while the other suffers in silence.
It is usually women who get the short end of the stick.
Now, I know that no one is perfect and that girls can be too but we all know that guys are more likely to engage in this toxic type of behavior.
So, in order to avoid any future misfortunes or heartbreak and make sure you only allow good guys close to your heart, here are 8 types of toxic men that you should avoid so you don’t fall into another hopeless fake relationship.
- Mama’s spoiled boy
This does not mean at all that if a man loves his mother and is close to her, then there is nothing wrong with him.
On the contrary, this is one of the most beautiful and sought-after qualities in a man!
What I mean by this is a man who calls his mother for every minor decision. Who asks her what shirt to wear, what to eat, and who goes to her house regularly to wash his clothes.
The man is so spoiled that he cannot take care of any of his basic needs without his mother’s approval. This is a man who cannot take care of himself, let alone another human being.
- The apostate man
This man is nothing but a distraction from your current heartache.
If you have recently broken up a serious relationship, you will probably try to find solace in the arms of the first man who seems agreeable.
This is the last man you should expect anything serious with.
First, he will take advantage of the situation and take as much from you as he can to satisfy his sexual appetite and you are not in the right state of mind right now.
What you need is a break from men and time to find yourself again. Not a rebound man to plan your future. This is an immediate red flag.
- The man-child
This man simply does not want to grow up. He may still ask his parents for money and refuse to work.
He expects to be taken care of financially and emotionally, with no aspirations or goals for the future at all.
This is not a man to start a relationship with. It will never be what you need.
You need an ambitious, driven man who takes care of himself. Not the man-child who still asks his family for support or worse, still lives with them.
- Ghost
This man never exists. He goes off the grid for several days in a row and only shows up again when he needs something from you. He has no appreciation for you, your commitment, or your love.
All he cares about is himself and his own needs, which is why he attacks you so much. He doesn’t care enough to be there.
Sometimes, you’ll see him and he’ll be on his best behavior. But then he will disappear again and you won’t know where he is or when he will return. Like a ghost.
- A chronic liar
This guy can lie like no one else. He’s so smooth with his words that you believe him almost half the time.
The thing is that he is very charming and flirtatious in convincing you that this is just a small thing and that it doesn’t really matter.
When in fact it is important and you should not let him get away with lies. What kind of future do you expect with a man who can lie about anything?
No matter how attractive they may be, liars are the worst and don’t deserve your tolerance or effort.
- Cheap sled
This is the guy who refuses to pay his fair share and is always complaining that things are too expensive.
When you’re at a restaurant, he either “forgot” his wallet or he’s having a rough week. Either way, you’ll end up paying.
He never bought you a single flower, nor did he pay for your coffee. He gets away with it by being convincing and charming, but in reality he is taking advantage of you and your generosity.
Money in no way makes a man better for you, but being a gentleman does. This man is nothing but a stingy fool.
- The clingy one
This guy is attached to you at the hip. He constantly harasses you with texts and calls and always needs to see you.
He can’t go an hour without hearing from you and he’s kind of obsessed with you.
This is not love, it is obsession. Being a loyal friend and checking up on you is one thing, but come on and give the girl a second to breathe!
You are entitled to your personal space and you should not put up with a man who doesn’t respect that.
If he is overly clingy, you will become really miserable, very soon!
- Flirting
This guy is a joking mess. He doesn’t care where you are or who’s around you, he will “innocently” flirt with every cute girl who passes by.
He completely ignores it and downplays it but that just proves how little he cares about you and your emotions.
He doesn’t think about how that makes you feel or how it appears to others.
Flirting with other girls, especially when you’re around, is a silly move and no self-respecting man would ever put you through that!
If he’s flirting with you around, God only knows what he’s doing when you’re not there. He is playing with you and you are wasting your time with him.
Walk away before it gets too messy, or it will lead you nowhere but despair. Choose a man who wants to flirt with only one girl, and that is you.