8 Tricks Emotionally Intelligent People Use to Handle Arguments

Emotionally intelligent people have an invisible arsenal. Well, they have the capacity for logical magic and think logically about almost any problem.

I think the main trick that emotionally intelligent people use is self-control. They have so much self-control that negative situations do not automatically shake their deep feelings. Arguments become an equation to solve, not a nerve-racking situation that leaves scars.

Their goal is to win the argument, but, of course, in the best possible way.

Secrets that emotionally intelligent people use to deal with arguments
I admire an emotionally intelligent person, as I can easily lose my temper sometimes. I’m reckless. There I said it. So, what kind of tricks are these people playing, you might ask? lets take alook.

  1. Use small talk
    Most arguments rarely involve small talk. Let’s face it, if a friend of yours is mad at you, they probably don’t care about the weather or current events. Hey, but emotionally intelligent people will make small talk, anyway.

If you want to be more emotionally intelligent, instead of jumping straight into an argument, take some time to say, “Hey, good to see you.” It’s very hard for someone to be offended when you say something nice, you know. And yes, confusion might be their first reaction to this too.

  1. Take advantage of positivity
    When you are in conflict with another person, try to take advantage of their positivity. Yes, they may be angry or frustrated about something, but deep down, there is still a seed of positivity.

Smile at them. A smile can change the atmosphere and make the other party reconsider their positions. Smiling can make people forget why they are angry for a moment. This moment might give them the time they need to calm down and think straight.

  1. Idea management
    An emotionally intelligent person can manage his thoughts. While most of us get into arguments and our thoughts become confused, this individual already has the ultimate goal of confrontation in mind. They also consider all possibilities and questions, with choices and answers for those situations.

With all of these things cataloged and ready to go, emotionally intelligent people can stop an argument before it starts. This is a win from the start.

  1. Feedback control

Every action has a reaction, right? Yes it is. However, reactions should not be exaggerated and exaggerated. This way a person loses an argument very quickly. Your reaction to accusations or insults shows your inner strength.

Emotionally intelligent people have a solid foundation of emotions and are prepared to react appropriately. They don’t get angry easily or get their feelings hurt by what someone else says. They realize that their reactions are powerful if used in the right way – these individuals are stable, logical and calm.

  1. Experiment with views
    An emotionally intelligent person is not always right, and he knows it. So, another trick they use to deal with arguments is that they strive to see other people’s points of view. They know that every person is an individual with personal ideas, morals, and beliefs.

However, people with stable emotions believe that a person’s views should be respected and taken into account. This also means that it helps to have an open mind without judgment.

During an argument, they can listen to the other person, understand where they are coming from, and perhaps reach an agreement.

  1. Tap into emotions (both yours and theirs)
    One of the tricks of an emotionally intelligent person is the ability to tap into their emotions. When you leverage emotions, you are essentially trying to highlight the emotions that are most useful for each position in the argument.

If you want the other person to laugh, highlight that by telling a joke to lighten the mood. You can call it a step forward from just offering a smile. You can also tap into your feelings when needed, and tap into happiness or contentment at will.

  1. They don’t pretend
    Emotionally intelligent people are also fairly honest people when it comes to revealing how much they know. In arguments, you will not see them stating things without evidence.

Many of us, when in a heated argument, will say untrue things to others, and this makes them even more angry. Being honest during a confrontation can make the other person stop and think about how to respond to the truth.

The truth is powerful, and emotionally intelligent people realize this.

  1. Strengths and weaknesses
    One other vital thing to remember is that emotionally intelligent people know their strengths and weaknesses, including their triggers. They understand when to speak and when to listen, according to their weaknesses.

During confrontations, they already know how to respond to threats against certain parts of their personality. They also realize how resilient these powerful places are.

Let’s try to be more emotionally intelligent!

I believe that if we all tried to be more emotionally intelligent, we could stop many confrontations before they start. This makes sense.

I remember my father telling me about the fights he got into when he was young, and how he often lost them. I asked him why. He said,

“I don’t know, I was just angry at that moment.”

You see, losing your cool with a head full of conflicting emotions and thoughts, yeah, that’s not a winning recipe. It’s much better to be, you guessed it, calm and collected.

I think we can all learn a lot from emotionally intelligent people and how they handle arguments. But I also believe that if anyone is reckless, there is hope that they will get better. I know I’m still working on it.