8 Silly Mistakes Narcissists Make

Believe it or not, narcissists make mistakes every single day.

When you think you believe in the perfect image they project, you start to see through the cracks.

How fun!

Now, to see through those cracks, all you need is a little insight into what really happens when narcissists make huge mistakes for everyone to see.

And trust me, they can be pretty idiots!

You Think They Are Perfect…And They Are!

When someone presents you with this perfect image of themselves, it’s easy to believe it all the time while wearing rose-colored glasses.

When you don’t see a mistake, it doesn’t even occur to you that they’re less than everyone else.

Narcissists do this very well because they don’t want you to see all the ways they’re as insecure as they are toxic.

Related : NEVER Tell A Narcissist These Things During Divorce

It’s like a show, right?

The show starts, and everyone sits and watches the actors on stage. You don’t know what the actors are really like because you see them playing a role; a character.

The same goes for all narcissists. They welcome you into their seat, and show you what you came to see.

Eventually, the show ends. I mean, no one can act like this all the time without their true self starting to show.

The horror!

It’s always terrifying for narcissists when they make a mistake.

When something happens, you can see a version of themselves that has no color or warmth. That’s when you realize how fake it all is.

Catching them failing at perfection means you’ve seen the real person behind the facade.

What’s more, they’re reminded in that one moment that they have flaws.

8 Silly Mistakes Narcissists Make

Hey, don’t be surprised if you realize where you stand on each of these points!

1 They’re So Predictable!

The longer you get to know a narcissist, the more you start to see patterns in their behavior.

You know that at a family party, they’re going to show up and cause some sort of upset. You learn to dread these gatherings, but more importantly, you prepare for them.

You motivate yourself, or remember all the times before he or she made a comment or judged you or made you the butt of jokes.

Related : What Narcissists Really Mean When They Say ‘I Love You’

The way they can ruin an event is amazing—but they do it so often and in such a similar way that you can now actually call them predictable.

2 They Talk About Themselves

Oh, did the narcissist make a mistake? I think they probably did! Narcissists only need to say one word or phrase for you to see or hear the mistake.

No, I’ve never talked to them in my life.

Really? The same person I saw you with at the office last week?

I told you I didn’t want to go.

No. I have a text message here from two weeks ago saying you were looking forward to it.

Narcissists talk about themselves all the time, if you let them fall into their traps.

Making it easy for them gives you more ammunition when it comes to fighting half the conflict.

Narcissists think they’re just smart, but if you dig deeper, you’ll find that they make one mistake after another.

It’s funny!

3 Confession Time!

A narcissist will tell you everything about themselves the moment they start projecting their thoughts onto you.

Related : 8 Secret Thoughts Narcissists Have About Themselves

You’re so narcissistic! Stop trying to control everything!

No one loves you! You’re not worth their time.

You’re so frustrating. I hope you learn to love yourself more!

When you find yourself caught up in comments like this, it’s really hard to understand them in any way other than pure insults.

Once you learn about projection, you’ll learn that narcissists use it to project everything they feel about themselves onto you so they don’t have to deal with it themselves.

This constant denial is painful at the time, because it feels like you can’t do anything right.

In reality – the mistake is that the narcissist assumes you’re just as toxic as they are.

4 Getting angry for no reason

Screaming, screaming, screaming.

Gone, gone, gone.

Noise, noise, noise.

What is the purpose of all this? Give me a good reason?

The narcissist can’t.

It’s anger for no reason at all, but it’s directed at you to make you feel like you need to apologize.


You didn’t do anything wrong.

When a narcissist gets angry for no reason, they’re making the silly mistake of trying to lure people in with drama.

Related : Why Do Narcissists Have Ears When They Never Listen?

Some will fall for it, yes. Once you start waking up to the narcissist’s abuse, you’ll probably find yourself walking away and shaking your head.

Because it’s not worth it.

5 They Belittle You


You didn’t do anything wrong.

When a narcissist gets angry for no reason, they’re making the silly mistake of trying to lure people in with drama.

Some will fall for it, yes. Once you start waking up to the abuse of a narcissist, you may find yourself walking away and shaking your head.

Because it’s not worth it.

5 They Belittle You

This is when you start to see the narcissist for what they really are.

The promises that are made and broken constantly will become a pattern for you.

And no, things don’t go the way you hope because that’s when hope fades into disappointment.

You want someone to commit to you and love you for who you are. And all the ways they say they’ll be there for you are true and stick with it.

Related ; 10 Reasons Why Narcissists Accuse You Of Cheating (And Don’t Believe You)

You soon learn not to trust them, even though they are yearning for you to be loyal and stick by their side.

It’s too late when you open your eyes and see the narcissist, not the charmer!

7 Believing They’re Perfect

This almost makes me cringe.

All narcissists think they’re perfect.

They adore themselves on the surface, convincing themselves that they have absolutely no flaws.

Don’t you think that’s a bit much? Especially when the mask can slip so easily…

8 Believing that what they say is true

The narcissist’s voice is their favorite song. I’ll go deeper than that:

The narcissist’s voice is their favorite sound ever.

Nothing beats it.

They are always right and believe that whatever they say is true.

No one can convince them otherwise, and if you ask them even a little, they’ll fool you even more.

Well, actually, they’ll fool you even more…

Related : Why Narcissists Give Your Replacement Everything They Denied You

…They’ll be proven wrong one day, and this will be their most embarrassing moment yet!

When You Stop Caring For The Narcissist They Will Do This!

As long as you love me, this only works when the narcissist gets what they want from you. You have to comply, or the dynamic breaks down.

At that moment—the moment you stop caring about the narcissist—it’s best to hide.

Not only does their reaction create the world’s worst emotional tornado—this one is an F5—and it’s headed straight for you.

So, what emotions are being triggered, and what exactly do they mean?

Well, Alex, I’m glad you asked…

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