8 signs your partner is treating you like an assistant

Contrary to popular opinion, life is not short. In fact, it can feel really long, especially when you make the wrong decisions.

And one of the most important decisions a person can make is choosing who to be with.

In an ideal world, your partner should be classy, sympathetic, and respectful. They should be your co-pilot, not your passenger.

When the balance of power is consistently one-sided, it’s a scriptural sign that something needs to change.

If you start to feel more like an employee or assistant than your equal for example, that’s cause for concern.

Once you clearly recognize these signs, you’ll be in a better position to make a move.

We all deserve a healthy, loving relationship, and anything less should be tossed in the trash.

Let’s dig deeper!

1) You are always on call
Does your partner treat you like an on-call employee?

Let’s say you’re busy or relaxing after a long day – this won’t matter to your partner, they fully expect you to be available at all times to run errands or respond to text messages promptly.

The girl I used to date has a particularly low threshold for stress.

When she was nervous, she would frantically call or text me, asking me to help her without ever being able to explain how.

For example, if my phone was in the other room and I were to take several minutes to answer, she would falter, her text and call frequency would increase exponentially, and her tone and irritability would increase.

She didn’t care that I was busy with work or my phone wasn’t there at that moment, if I didn’t answer in seconds she would lash out. I needed to be at her disposal and call her.

In short, as soon as your partner starts to show a lack of respect for your autonomy as a person, ignoring it almost completely, I have news for you: You are their glorified helper first, romantic (distant) partner second.

2) You always do one-sided tasks
Real talk: If your partner seems to constantly delegate tasks to you that could easily be done by themselves, the sad truth is that you, my friend, are his help.

Maybe you’re in bed and they’ll ask you to get a glass of water or ask you to bring a phone charger in the living room.

Remember, there is a fine line between being a supportive and helpful partner and being a true servant.

If it’s clear they have their hands full and are asking you nicely, you sure have a good excuse to bring that charger willingly without resentment.

However, if they ask you to do them a favor while they’re just scrolling through reels or watching reruns of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, you need to nip that behavior in the bud before things get out of hand.

3) They lack appreciation for you
If they are very grateful or grateful to you and make it known, this kind of smoothes things out.

Sure, you may be giving more help than your lot takes, but at least you get the credit for it. It may not be perfect but it is understandable.

But if they take your help for granted and rarely acknowledge your efforts, that’s just a shout of entitlement.

Once this becomes the norm, you reinforce bad habits; You cannot allow this destructive behavior to continue.

Start by demanding the kind of respect you deserve. You are our equal, not a servant or butler. Your needs should also be a priority.

If things don’t change, you know what to do.

4) They have the right to communicate
There you have it: sometimes, it’s less about the actual tasks and more about how you delegate them.

Do they talk like a bossy dictator or are they subtle and gentle in their approach?

If their communication often resembles orders more than a topic for discussion, then this is just blatant disrespect.

you deserve the best. It’s time to call their thinking.