8 signs someone is trying a bit too hard to seem classy

There’s a fine line between being truly stylish and trying to look too stylish.

What’s the difference? Authenticity. That’s right. Faking it often involves a layer of pretense that can be detected from miles away.

True style is about being comfortable in your skin, knowing your worth, and letting your actions speak louder than words.

In this article, we’ll delve into 8 telltale signs that someone might be trying too hard to look stylish. And trust me, once you know these signs, you’ll spot them right away.

Let’s get started!

1) Over-Name-Giving

We’ve all met that person. You know, the one who can’t have a conversation without mentioning a high-profile acquaintance or a luxury brand.

It’s like they’re trying to prove their social status by associating. This is a classic sign of someone trying too hard to look stylish.

High society isn’t measured by how many celebrities you know or how expensive your clothes are. True class is about character, not material possessions or connections.

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It’s also about honesty and humility, qualities that are overwhelmed when one resorts to over-naming.

So, if you notice someone constantly mentioning famous names or luxury brands in their conversation, they’re probably trying too hard to sound classy. And remember, authentic class is more about who you are than who you know.

2) Over-the-top accents

I’ll never forget a friend of mine in college. Let’s call him “John.” John was from the Midwest, with a typical American accent. But when we started our international studies course, something changed.

Suddenly, John developed a posh British accent. Every conversation sounded like a dramatic monologue from a British drama. It was clear that he thought this new accent made him sound more sophisticated, more… classy.

But here it came off as forced. It was clear that he was trying to be something he wasn’t, and it felt unnatural.

True class isn’t about pretending or adopting an accent that isn’t yours. It’s about being comfortable with who you are and embracing your uniqueness.

If you come across someone who frequently changes their accent in an attempt to sound more sophisticated, they’re probably trying too hard to sound classy. True class doesn’t need a fake accent to shine.

3) Flashy Displays of Wealth

In an age where social media platforms are filled with extravagant displays of wealth, it’s easy to equate class with material possessions.

However, there’s a difference between having money and class.

Excessive displays of wealth often come across as tacky and flashy, rather than classy.

If someone feels the need to constantly display their material possessions, it could be a sign that they’re trying too hard to sound classy. Remember, true class is about character, not money!

4) Enforced Etiquette

Etiquette and manners are an important part of being classy. But there’s a difference between natural good manners and being overly polite.

If someone is overly concerned with using the right fork of their authority or insists on the most formal of address at all times, they may be trying too hard to sound classy.

Class is treating others with respect and consideration, not showing excessive politeness. If etiquette seems forced or unnatural, they’re likely trying too hard to look classy. Remember, true class is effortless and comes from within.

5) Judging Other People’s Tastes

I believe that everyone is entitled to their tastes and preferences. That’s what makes us all unique.

However, some people seem to think that class is about having the “right” taste. They look down on others because they like pop music, eat fast food, or watch reality TV.

But class isn’t about judging others for their choices. It’s about respecting diversity and understanding that we all have our likes and dislikes.

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When someone belittles others for their tastes, it’s a clear sign that they’re trying too hard to look classy. The true class comes from a place of understanding and acceptance, not judgment and exclusivity.

6) Unnecessary Use of Jargon

I’ve been to art fairs over the years, and one thing that always strikes me is the way some people talk about art.

In one instance, I found myself in a conversation where a woman was using complex technical terms to describe a simple painting. Her heavy use of technical terms didn’t make her seem more knowledgeable or elegant, but rather pretentious and ostentatious.

Class isn’t about using big words to sound smart or sophisticated. It’s about being able to communicate effectively and clearly with everyone. If someone is constantly inserting unnecessary terms into their conversation, they’re probably trying too hard to sound classy. Remember, true class is about being genuine and friendly, not pretentious and distant.

7) Overdressing for every occasion

Fashion is a personal form of expression and it’s great to see people dressed to the nines. However, it gets a little over the top when someone overdresses for every occasion.

Whether it’s a casual lunch or a simple movie night, they always look like they’re about to walk the red carpet. While it’s important to dress appropriately, constantly overdressing can seem like you’re trying too hard to look stylish.

Class isn’t just about wearing the most expensive or flashy clothes. It’s about dressing appropriately for the occasion and feeling comfortable in what you’re wearing. So, if someone is always overdressing, it could be a sign that they’re trying too hard to look stylish.

8) Lack of Authenticity

At the core of it all, class is about authenticity. It’s about being true to yourself, living with integrity, and treating others with respect.

When someone constantly changes their behavior, opinions, or tastes based on those around them, it’s a clear sign that they’re trying too hard to look stylish. Truly stylish people are comfortable in their skin and don’t feel the need to put on a facade.

Being stylish is a reflection of who you are as a person, not just a performance put on for the approval of others. If someone lacks authenticity in their pursuit of class, it’s a clear sign that they’re trying a little too hard.

Final Thought: The Essence of True Class
The concept of class, in its truest sense, is deeply intertwined with authenticity, humility, and respect.

It’s the art of making others feel valued, regardless of their status or background. It’s about being comfortable in your skin, not pretending to be someone else.

Those who try too hard to appear classy often fail because they focus on the outside rather than the inside.

True class isn’t about impressing others, it’s about being true to yourself and treating others with kindness and respect. If you notice the signs we’ve discussed in this article, chances are someone is trying too hard to appear classy.

Remember, true class isn’t just about appearance—it’s a reflection of who you are on the inside.