Have you ever found yourself in a situation where someone always seems to be the victim, no matter what? It’s confusing and stressful, especially when they flip the roles to make you feel like you’re the bad guy.
I’ve been there, caught in the trap of someone playing the victim so skillfully, that I almost believed them.
But fortunately, I picked up on the subtle signs and signals that told me something was wrong. Today, I want to share those signs with you.
Let’s explore the eight ways emotional manipulators play the victim, so you can spot them before you get involved.
1) Selective Memory
First, there’s the “I don’t remember that happening” trick. Have you tried to discuss an issue with someone, only for them to conveniently forget the details that got them into a bad situation?
It’s as if they’ve edited the past to fit their victim narrative.
I’ve also had the same experience, finding myself suddenly doubting my memory because the other person seemed so sure. It’s a trap designed to make you question your judgment, while they seem innocent.
The truth is, this is a tactic. They remember well, but admitting it would shatter their carefully crafted victim persona.
So the next time someone tries to rewrite history, stand your ground. Trust your memory and your version of events.
Keep records if you have to—screenshots, texts, even diaries. By doing so, you protect your truth, making it harder for them to play the victim.
2) Overdramatization
You know those people who make a mountain out of a molehill? The ones who turn a minor annoyance into a full-blown Shakespearean tragedy?
Yes, that’s overdramatization at its finest.
I remember a friend who treated every disagreement as if it were a betrayal of epic proportions. She would even turn a postponed coffee date into me not appreciating her time and “thinking I was better than her.”
The truth is, this kind of overreaction is designed to manipulate you into feeling guilty like you’re the villain in their show.
It’s as if their emotional meter is always cranked to eleven, leaving no room for rational discussion.
Don’t let the drama get to you. Stay calm and try to bring the conversation back to a more realistic level.
Acknowledge their feelings, but also make it clear that they don’t define your intentions, values, or feelings. By refusing to join them in their drama, you make it harder for them to continue playing the victim.
3) Avoiding Responsibility
Have you ever noticed how some people are experts at evading accountability? No matter the situation, they find a way to shift the blame to someone else—usually you.
They play hot potato with accountability, making sure they’re not the “right person.”
I’ve been through this, and I’ve been left scratching my head, wondering how I ended up looking like the guilty party. They’re so good at deflecting attacks that you want to applaud their skill, if not be so destructive.
The next time this happens, talk about it. Gently point out that the issue at hand is theirs, too, and it’s unfair to place all the blame on you or others.
By doing so, you’re disrupting their victim narrative and forcing them to face reality, whether they like it or not.
4) Guilt
Ah, the art of guilt, a classic move in the emotional manipulator’s playbook.
They know exactly how to pressure you, making you feel so guilty that you’re willing to do almost anything to right your wrongs—even when you’ve done nothing wrong.
An ex-boyfriend once said to me, “I’ve done so much for you, and you can’t even do this little thing?” For a moment, I felt horrified, like some kind of ungrateful monster.
But then I realized: This was guilt, a way to shift the focus away from the real issue. I had a good reason for not wanting to do this favor for him, and he was just sweeping my values and feelings under the rug.
Here’s the thing: You’re not obligated to meet someone’s expectations just because they claim to have done something for you. Relationships aren’t scorecards.
So, the next time you find yourself on a guilt trip that you never joined, take a step back.
Evaluate the situation objectively and remind yourself that you are not responsible for someone else’s happiness or self-worth.
5) Frequently indulging in self-pity
There is a difference between sharing your problems and indulging in self-pity. The latter becomes painfully clear when you are dealing with someone who manipulates emotions and plays the victim.
They often present their lives as an endless parade of hardships, a parade that you somehow have to attend to.
“No one understands me” or “I’m always the one who gets hurt,” they might say. I used to know someone who resorted to this type of self-pity frequently, turning even positive conversations into a sad story about their struggles.
It can be emotionally draining to be around you, and that’s exactly the point. The goal is to lure you into their pity party so that you’re more likely to submit to their wishes.
The next time you find yourself tangled up in a web of self-pity, it’s okay to show empathy, but set boundaries, too. It’s not your job to rescue someone from their perpetual state of victimhood.
Your emotional well-being is just as important, and you shouldn’t have to sacrifice it to support someone else’s narrative.
6) Emotional Blackmail
You’ve probably heard phrases like, “If you cared about me, you’d do this for me,” or “I can’t believe you’re hurting me like this.” These are classic examples of emotional blackmail.
The message is clear: comply with their wishes or face the guilt and emotional consequences.
I remember feeling upset when someone close to me used emotional blackmail to get their way.
It was either I went along with their wishes or I was labeled as indifferent and cruel. The pressure was immense, and I felt trapped.
But always remember: you don’t owe anyone compliance, especially if it comes at the expense of your values or well-being.
When faced with emotional blackmail, it’s crucial to stand up for yourself.
Make it clear that emotional coercion is not an acceptable form of communication.
Not only does this protect you, but it also sends the message that playing the victim won’t work.
7) Avoiding Accountability
We all know this type: as soon as you raise a legitimate concern or point out a problem, they act like you’ve stabbed them in the heart.
“I can’t believe you’re accusing me of this,” they say, their voice tinged with hurt or disbelief. Unfortunately, my family member is very good at this.
So I’m all too familiar with the outcome: the conversation stops abruptly, and they walk away without facing any real accountability.
Or it turns into you defending your behavior, even if you had nothing to do with the situation, or apologizing for the hurt or feelings in the first place. (What?)
Don’t be fooled. This is a tactic to avoid confronting the issue. If you encounter this, stay calm and focus on the issue at hand.
RELATED:If someone uses these 9 psychological tricks, they’re trying to manipulate you
Remember, you’re not attacking them; you’re addressing a specific behavior that needs to change.
And if it doesn’t work, you may just need to let it go. You know the truth, and your well-being is worth more than convincing the other person to agree with you.
8) Shift the focus
Have you ever brought up a topic only to hear, “What about the time I did this?”
The moment you try to address an issue, they immediately bring up something you did—sometimes ages ago—as if it’s a get-out-of-jail-free card.
They may claim that you “did the same thing and didn’t make a big deal out of it at the time,” or even say that you’re the one who set a precedent for them to act the way they did.
Either way, you suddenly find yourself on the defensive, your original point buried under a flood of old grievances.
I’ve found myself in this trap more times than I care to admit, defending my past actions while the real issue gets lost in the mix.
The key here is to not derail. Gently but firmly bring the conversation back to the original issue.
Just because you may have made a mistake in the past doesn’t give them a free pass to act badly now.
By refusing to let the conversation derail, you’re making it clear that two wrongs don’t make a right—and it’s time to stop playing the victim and start facing the facts.
Stop Falling into the Victim Trap
It’s easy to get caught up in the web of emotional manipulation, but you’re not helpless.
Now that you’re aware of these eight signs, you can stop being the supporting actor in someone else’s drama.
Remember, you have the right to stand up for yourself and speak your truth. Don’t let anyone play the victim at your expense.
Take back control and protect your emotional well-being.
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