Have you ever wished you could get inside a narcissist’s mind and know all their secret thoughts?
It may seem like you know what’s going on in their mind, but in reality, there are secrets they’re hiding that will shock you when you hear them.
It’s not appropriate for me to withhold this golden information from you. After all, it’s about gaining the upper hand and empowering you, right?
Let’s take a look at these seven secret thoughts narcissists have about themselves.
Secret Thoughts?! …
I know, right? It’s hard to believe that someone so full of life could have secret thoughts that we would never guess from the outside, but it’s true!
While they are incredibly shallow, narcissists also have thoughts they don’t want anyone else to know for a very good reason:
Related : Why Do Narcissists Have Ears When They Never Listen?
These thoughts tend to suggest that the narcissist is either weak, vulnerable, or both.
And don’t get me wrong—I don’t see weakness as a negative. We all have weaknesses; we are human, after all! Narcissists see vulnerability as a real issue, though.
Why do we keep these secrets?
The quickest and most obvious way to explain why they refuse to talk about these secret thoughts is that they don’t want to appear anything other than perfect to those around them.
It’s that simple!
Now for those thoughts!
1 “I’m afraid of abandonment”
It’s never nice to be left by someone you love, but narcissists have a deep-rooted fear of abandonment.
This comes from their early years, when a parent was likely not present enough for them.
They may even have had a parent leave the house, and they live with those painful memories.
When narcissists refuse to show their pain, that pain will turn into a secret fear and the idea that it will happen again.
Related : 10 Reasons Why Narcissists Accuse You Of Cheating (And Don’t Believe You)
This is why they try so hard to prove that they are indestructible. With the right ego.
2 “I hate myself”
Narcissists don’t want to admit that they hate themselves, and they will do a great job of hiding this idea in the back of their minds.
It will seep out, you know. It will come in the form of anger, rage, control, grandiose thoughts about themselves, and seeing endless flaws in others, including you.
The hatred that narcissists feel toward themselves will never go away. It’s something they’ve always had to live with and will always have.
3 “How can I always be the best?”
Narcissists will spend sleepless nights trying to think of ways to always be the best.
Please don’t mistake what I’m saying for the best version of themselves, because I feel that’s a concept we should all try to live by.
I mean better. Better than anyone else. More attractive, more successful, more wealthy, more fun, more intelligent – everything.
They will think and think of all the ways they can outdo you and out-earn you just so they can have exclusive bragging rights to their possessions and accomplishments.
Related : Why Narcissists Give Your Replacement Everything They Denied You
The truth is, they are no better than you or me.
Deep in their empty souls, they know it too.
4 “I have fears”
Everyone has fears, including narcissists.
The difference between your fears and theirs is that you acknowledge them, and the narcissist buries them.
In fact, they are so deep, that it is really hard to control them in life.
The narcissist will come home at night and think about those fears. He will play and wrestle with the idea that they exist, and that he is trying so hard to deny them.
If you ignore them, they will go away.
After a while, it will be more like:
I have to hide what others see as my strong weaknesses.
5 “Why are people always trying to get me?”
The narcissist’s paranoia can be exacerbated when he tries to think about why so many people are so determined to set him up.
Related : 11 Reasons Why Narcissists Do ALL These Mean Things!
Am I a terrible person?
Maybe they understand everything about me.
Are they doing this on purpose?
What are they trying to do to me?
This is the guilty conscience that the narcissist is talking about. Deep down in his mind, he knows what kind of person he is, and this guilt can rise from time to time, portrayed as an assumption that people want revenge.
Hey, narcissist, revenge for what? I thought you said you were perfect…? If you think someone is out to get you, you might want to take some time and ask yourself why.
Could it be because you cause trouble wherever you go?
Check it!
6 “Why don’t people understand me?”
In some ways, narcissists don’t want to be understood. They like to be two steps ahead of everyone else, so they can continue their quest to play the worst games imaginable—including those that use your mind and heart.
In other ways, narcissists always have a secret idea that they don’t understand why people don’t understand them.
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I am a very clear person, so why can’t people see what I need from them?
Why can’t they understand what I am asking for?
Narcissists see everyone else as the problem because they fail to ask the golden question:
What is it about me that they can’t understand?
For this reason, we could fill an entire notebook…
7 “Why am I always the victim?
Everything that happens happens to you, right, narcissist?
Spare me the agony of watching you pretend and try to reach out to the people you want sympathy from.
If there is a less than perfect day in the eyes of a narcissist, their secret thoughts will be, Why me?
What did I do to deserve this?
Why are people treating me so cruel?
They run around with these thoughts too, but they can’t see that they were the cause in the first place.
8 “What more can I do for people?”
They do so much. My goodness. These narcissists are so honorable and noble.
They do everything in their power to ensure that everyone is taken care of, they are the kindest, most compassionate people in the world.
Related : Why Do Narcissists Claim To Be Experts in Things They Know Nothing About?
No, I couldn’t do that to myself, or to you, another moment.
Of course, this is a secret thought that narcissists have. They believe to the utmost that they live to serve others, when in reality all they do is live to make everyone Those who know him are miserable.
In their heads, they are perfect, and they can’t really see what they are doing wrong to make people turn their backs on them.
Let me give you an idea – it can’t be everyone’s fault.