8 Reasons Narcissists Can’t See Their Abusive Acts as Evil

No narcissist will ever admit they’re a narcissist. Their actions are truly evil and can cause immense pain to those they encounter.

Wait a minute…

…they show no remorse, not even a shred!

You can scream at them until you lose your voice, but they won’t see how abusive they are.

Even if you cry a lot, you can let it go.

You’re wasting your time, and here are 8 reasons why.

Me? I’m so lucky!

When a narcissist first sets eyes on you, they’re far from evil.

Think about it. We define evil as something seriously wrong or immoral. Bad. Someone who intentionally, unscrupulously behaves horribly toward others.

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Does this apply to a narcissist when you first meet them?


You feel lucky, don’t you? You want to announce to the world how lucky you are to have found such an amazing, caring person. They brighten your day, not take it away.

Here you are, recognizing them, feeling seen, heard, and appreciated.

When The Fun Falls Of

It doesn’t take long for that fun to wear off, but when it does, you’re left with a few options.

Well, you can walk away. Many victims choose to try to show the narcissist how their abusive actions are causing them hurt and pain.

What do you think happens when you try this?

Why do you think narcissists don’t see the evil they’re doing?

8 Reasons Why Narcissists Don’t See How Evil Their Abuse Is

  1. Absolute Denial

Maybe they do it in some way. They know what they’re doing because they can control when and where they’re manipulative or cruel.

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When you were with your narcissist, did they yell and scream at you in front of your family?

Probably not!

They want to appear the nice guy so no one will suspect them and know what they’re doing.

But to you, they’ll deny it.

In the end, how many abusers will raise their hands and say, “You’re right. I’m a terrible person.”

  1. “You!”

What bothers me the most is when abusers raise their eyebrows when you call them evil. Then they point the finger at you and say you’re the problem.

You’re the bad one!

You’re always nagging at me and telling me how frustrating you are.

You’re always throwing me off, and you don’t even realize you’re doing it!

I can’t stand being around you. You’re a constant gray cloud! They want to see you as the evil one because that’s what fits their narrative.

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They do this because they know you’re seeing through them and want to refute your accusations.

  1. “Stop getting me…”

Okay, here’s an interesting example.

Narcissists love it when you cave, don’t they?

If they’re moody, you ask them what’s wrong and fall on yourself, trying to make it better.

And they love it.

If they scream, they want to see you cry.

And they love it.

But if you start to get past their deliberate tactics, you’ll see that when you try to show them that their tactics are truly evil, they’ll hate it when you understand them.

Understanding them means realizing they’re not who they pretend to be. The more you show them your knowledge, the less they’ll pretend to know what you’re talking about… or, in short…

…they’ll deceive you.

  1. In Their Own World

Narcissists live in their own world, expecting everyone to join them from their own world.

It doesn’t work that way, but that’s one of the reasons they never take responsibility.

Related : Narcissists Must Make You Miserable for This 1 Weird Reason

In their world, there’s no such thing as responsibility. You come in, you enter their environment, you live their lives as they do, and you let them move on as if the world owes them a huge favor.

  1. Lack of Empathy Strikes Again

Why are they even a little bothered by being mean?

Telling them they’re not nice will likely make them laugh.

Get a grip.

Grow up.

Build some resilience!

You’re responsible for your hypersensitivity, and that’s what will be portrayed as you.

Narcissists are known for their lack of empathy, so understanding your grief will be impossible.

Just like trying to understand how to be a better person—that’s something they won’t even consider.

  1. The Victim: “I’m doing my best”

When you talk about your abuse, it can be a trigger for feeling like a victim.

I’m doing my best!

I’m working hard!

Yes, sometimes I feel tired and impatient, but I have a lot on my mind.

I’m constantly worried about my health, and I’m so stressed all the time.

You know what to say to upset me!

Wait a minute.

So… the narcissist is an abuser, and the victim is to blame?

Well, this isn’t new. It happens all the time, and this is how they avoid seeing their own bad behavior…

Blame you!

  1. They don’t care enough

I’m sorry, was the narcissist supposed to care that you felt “abusive”?

Come on. Do them a favor, and stop assuming they care enough to stop what they’re doing.

What has worked for you and different people for years?

What do they live for?

Where do they get their food?

How do they make themselves feel better?

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The way they choose to live and treat you won’t change just because you asked them to or expected them to care.

You’re wasting a lot of time if you think a narcissist will ever care.

The only thing they care about is how much they can hurt you.

  1. There’s Always an Excuse

Excuses aren’t cool, and I think we all know that.

Narcissists tend to ignore the importance of respecting the truth in matters…

by making excuses for themselves!

And that’s not okay, by the way.

There is no excuse for abuse.

I’m tired! You won’t stop pestering me with questions!

I already do so much for them—they won’t get any more from me!

Hearing their excuses go on and on, especially when you’ve heard them all before, is exhausting.

There’s no reason for them to think of any justification for their abuse.

They’re abusive. Period.

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