Narcissists are always looking for something. Whether it’s a lot of praise, a pile of attention, or a new supply (sometimes this can be combined with one poor person!)
I hate that they’re prowling like a lion across an African plain looking for their next meal – but that’s what we all need to remember.
No one is safe – unless you’re aware and stick to your boundaries.
The places where narcissists hide aren’t always dirty, dark corners. Sometimes, they’re right in plain sight.
Let’s take a look now at the top 8 places you’ll find a narcissist sniffing out their next victim.
Thank You…Next!
Eventually (and I’m willing this to be sooner rather than later for you), the narcissist will walk away from you.
They won’t see you as their primary interest anymore. They won’t want to give you any more of their time or attention; they’ll be done.
Once they’ve made up their mind, you’ll see them move on to their next victim at a speed faster than the speed of light.
You’re history. You’re old news. You’re already a tiny memory to them.
Related : 10 Morning Habits That Reveal Someone Is a Narcissist
They can’t wait to find new blood.
Why Narcissists Can’t Wait
No! They can’t even look in the mirror without waking up in a deep, soul-crushing pit of hate.
They do a pretty good job of hiding it, with all their swagger and entitled ways, don’t they?
Narcissists won’t wait long. They get lonely very quickly if people aren’t stroking their egos or paying attention to them.
So – they need places to find your new self, and they need them fast.
If they go too long without extracting supplies from innocent people, I’m pretty sure they’ll burn out!
The need is real
So, let’s take a look at the list I’ve compiled. Some of these places may seem innocent enough, but what the narcissist says or does there should put you on full alert to spot similar places in your area.
It’s officially time to avoid the narcissist!
1 The Gym
A lot of people love the gym. For me personally, nature is my gym. If I get the time, I like to hike, walk, or even run. The world and its terrain are designed to keep you connected, but many prefer to head to one place to get their fitness fix.
The gym is a palace that many go to, and many people socialize in one way or another. From polite greetings, to general chatter with the regular people you cross paths with.
Narcissists hang out at gyms like wolves on a hill at a full moon. They’re on the lookout.
They want to meet someone new, or they look like they might need a little help or advice on equipment.
Of course, that may not be the case, but they’re masters at scamming. If they went to Las Vegas with a bunch of coins, they’d be known as a slacker!
Related : Hidden Ways Narcissists Control Your Social Media Life
Gyms are all about appearance, even if their primary goal is to improve their health. They’re a place where narcissists can show off, and they love to do that.
Next victim: Newcomers!
2 The Library
I know this is the exact opposite of the gym—a place that many people love to go to. That’s not to say that narcissists aren’t welcome—and they really do make themselves welcome and known in libraries.
Narcissists are very clever at trying to appear like they know what they’re doing. If they see you browsing the self-help section, they’ll do anything to talk to you.
With your vulnerability already on display in public, you become instantly likable.
3 The Bar
Bars are meat markets for narcissists. Around every corner, there’s a potential new flame waiting to be discovered. This works so well because one of the first things many newly single people do is go out with their friends.
You never know who you might meet!
Let’s get you back there!
Bars see people coming and going all the time, and the more you go, the more people you’ll see.
This is perfect for narcissists, who love a constant change of scenery, and want to see people dressed to the nines with half a brain already in the business of impressing and mingling.
4 New Destination!
If in doubt, get up and move somewhere else!
When a narcissist has exhausted their current city or town, they move on.
The catalyst for this move may be that too many people have discovered them, or they’ve burned enough bridges to justify a fresh start somewhere else.
Where no one knows them, they can show up and be whoever they want to be, with whatever story fits their narcissistic narrative.
5 The Park
Just a short walk or run. Maybe take the dog outside. Some narcissists will even borrow a child from a family or friend to go out and talk to other parents.
Related : What Narcissists Tell Their New Partners About You
Narcissists won’t care who’s single or in a relationship — they just want to find a source. Sometimes it can be brief — just a moment where someone compliments them.
Oh, look at your dog! You must be a good owner!
Oh my gosh, you’re the sweetest friend/aunt/uncle to this kid!
Your new fitness regimen makes you glow from the inside out!
It’s the little things that add up, but these little things need to be constant.
Narcissists hunt like wolves for supplies.
New victims are always available, if they get to the right places.
6 Dating Apps
Dating Apps.
I mean, do I need to say more?
Some genuine people are looking for love or friendship on apps, but narcissists are looking for admiration with aplomb.
From the heavily edited profile picture, to the lies in their description – they’ll gladly sign up or subscribe if it means they get a steady stream of messages.
A narcissistic flirt is a happy narcissist, after all.
7 Social Media
When a narcissist wants an instant hit, they’ll reach out on social media to anyone willing to listen. They’ll usually have several clear winners when it comes to supply. These will be their next victims.
Related : 12 Secret Ways Narcissists Check If You’re Still Under Their Control
From liking or complimenting a photo, to adding friends, to messaging old friends or loved ones – narcissists know what to do to get the most out of social media.
8 Work
Work is a great place to find a new victim.
Think about it.
You already know them.
The bragging rights have been laid out in advance.
The time you spend with them is ongoing and daily.
Action is a great way to pick out a new victim and make sure any new plan is executed well enough for them to survive.