8 Life Setbacks and Failures of Narcissists

Narcissism, characterized by excessive self-focus, need for admiration, and lack of empathy for others, can lead individuals down a path of repeated setbacks and failures in various aspects of their lives. Although not all narcissists experience these setbacks, the following are common areas where narcissistic traits can lead to challenges:

  1. Stressed relationships:

Narcissists often struggle to maintain healthy relationships because of their selfishness, lack of empathy, and difficulty considering the needs and feelings of others.

  1. Obstacles to the profession:

Narcissistic individuals may face difficulties in their professional lives because their grandiosity, arrogance, and entitlement can create conflicts with colleagues, superiors, and subordinates.

  1. Lack of intimate contacts:

Building and maintaining meaningful romantic relationships can be a challenge for narcissists, as their need for constant admiration and self-focus can get in the way of emotional intimacy.

  1. Inability to accept criticism:

Narcissists often react defensively or angrily when faced with criticism or comments, which prevents them from learning and growing in various areas of life.

Related : How to Determine If Someone You Care About Is a Narcissist

  1. Financial instability:

Some narcissists may struggle with financial stability due to impulsive spending, risky investments, or a sense of entitlement that leads to irresponsible financial choices.

  1. Legal and ethical issues:

Narcissists’ lack of empathy and disregard for rules can lead to legal and ethical problems, both in personal and professional spheres.

  1. Limited support networks:

Because narcissists may prioritize their own needs and interests over the needs and interests of others, they may find themselves with limited support networks during times of crisis.

  1. Shallow personal growth:

Narcissists may struggle to engage in meaningful self-improvement and personal growth, because they often resist self-reflection and admitting their flaws.


While narcissists may display a range of behaviors and traits, not everyone will experience these setbacks to the same degree. Additionally, individuals with narcissistic traits may have moments of insight and self-awareness, allowing them to address some of these challenges. However, recognizing these potential life setbacks and failures can be a crucial step in understanding the consequences of narcissistic behavior and seeking help or personal growth opportunities to address them.