8 Fake Stories Narcissists Tell You

Narcissists often create exaggerated or entirely fabricated stories to manipulate others and enhance their self-image. Here are eight common types of fake stories they tell:

1. “I’ve Overcome So Much”

Narcissists often portray themselves as having overcome incredible odds or endured unimaginable hardships. While some aspects of their stories may be true, they usually exaggerate the details to gain sympathy and admiration. By presenting themselves as a hero or survivor, they can evoke feelings of respect or pity, making it easier to manipulate others.

2. “Everyone Loves Me”

Narcissists frequently boast about how popular or well-liked they are. They may claim that everyone at work, in their social circles, or even strangers admire them. These stories help maintain the illusion of their superiority and can make you question your own perceptions if you don’t see them in the same glowing light.

3. “My Ex Was Crazy”

When discussing past relationships, narcissists often portray their former partners as unstable, irrational, or even abusive. This narrative serves two purposes: it makes the narcissist appear as the victim, and it preemptively invalidates any negative accounts their ex might share about them. This tactic helps maintain their spotless reputation while justifying their own questionable behavior.

4. “I’ve Got Big Plans”

Narcissists often talk about grand plans or future projects that will supposedly bring them great success. They may boast about upcoming career moves, entrepreneurial ventures, or other grand achievements. These stories are designed to impress and keep others invested in their potential, even though many of these plans never materialize.

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5. “I Know Important People”

To seem more influential than they are, narcissists may claim to have close relationships with important, famous, or successful people. They might mention knowing celebrities, high-ranking executives, or other notable individuals to elevate their own status. However, these connections are often exaggerated or entirely fabricated.

6. “I Was Misunderstood”

When narcissists are called out for their behavior, they often claim to be misunderstood. They may insist that their intentions were good, that their words were taken out of context, or that others simply don’t appreciate their “real” qualities. This narrative helps them avoid responsibility and can make others question their own judgments.

7. “I’m an Expert”

Narcissists often overstate their expertise or knowledge on various subjects to appear more competent. Whether it’s a professional skill, a hobby, or even a complex topic, they may present themselves as an authority even if their knowledge is superficial. This tactic is used to dominate conversations and make others feel inferior.

8. “People Are Always Jealous of Me”

To explain away conflicts or negative reactions from others, narcissists often claim that people are just jealous of their success, looks, or personality. This story shifts blame away from their own behavior and reinforces the idea that they’re superior, while the people who criticize them are simply envious.


These fake stories are tools narcissists use to manipulate and control how others perceive them. Understanding these common narratives can help you recognize when you’re being misled and allow you to see through the facade. Being aware of these tactics can also empower you to set boundaries and maintain a healthier distance.

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