7 Ways to Cope With Narcissists at Work

Navigating the workplace can be difficult when you have to deal with narcissistic colleagues or bosses. Narcissists at work often display manipulative behavior, a constant need for validation, and a lack of empathy for others. Dealing with these individuals requires a combination of strategies to protect your health and maintain professionalism. In this article, we will explore seven effective ways to deal with narcissists in the workplace.

Recognize the features

The first step in dealing with narcissists at work is to recognize the traits of narcissism. Understand the characteristics of narcissistic individuals, such as selfishness, manipulation, and lack of empathy. This awareness will help you navigate workplace dynamics more effectively.

Set clear boundaries

Create and communicate clear boundaries with narcissistic colleagues or bosses. Clearly state your expectations and boundaries in a professional manner. Be firm but diplomatic in asserting your boundaries to avoid unnecessary conflicts.

Documentary interactions

Keep a record of your interactions with narcissistic individuals at work. Document instances of manipulation, deception, or any behavior that might affect your job or well-being. Having a record can be valuable if you need to address the issue with HR or superiors.

Stay professional

Maintain professionalism at all times when dealing with narcissists. Avoid emotional reactions or confrontations that could escalate conflicts. Respond to their behavior calmly and firmly, while focusing on the task or issue at hand.

Related : 7 Hidden Principles That Motivate Narcissists

Avoid feeding their ego

Narcissists thrive on attention and admiration. Avoid inflaming their ego by offering excessive compliments or validation. Instead, acknowledge their contributions when appropriate but don’t overestimate their need for admiration.

Ask for support

Trust colleagues or friends you trust outside of the workplace who can provide emotional support and perspective. Sharing your experiences with others who understand can provide comfort and validation.

Focus on self-care

Prioritizing self-care to manage the stress and emotional impact of dealing with narcissists at work. Engage in relaxation, exercise, mindfulness, and stress management techniques to protect your emotional health.


Dealing with narcissists at work can be difficult, but it is possible to maintain your professionalism and protect your health. By recognizing narcissistic traits, setting boundaries, documenting interactions, staying professional, avoiding feeding their ego, asking for support, and prioritizing self-care, you can navigate workplace dynamics more effectively. Remember, seeking guidance from HR or superiors may also be necessary if the behavior of a narcissistic colleague or boss is negatively impacting your work environment.