7 super rare signs you’re actually an awesome person (according to psychology)

Oftentimes, we find ourselves questioning our worth, wondering if we’re good enough or if we’re making a positive impact on those around us.

Sometimes, it can be hard to see the value in ourselves, especially when we’re constantly bombarded with images of perfection and success from every angle.

But that’s the thing. Psychology has a different perspective on what makes a person truly great. And it’s not what you might think.

Here are seven rare signs that, according to psychology, reveal that you’re a great person.

1) You’re Driven by Authenticity, Not Approval

In today’s social media-driven world, it’s easy to get caught up in the pursuit of likes, shares, and comments. The desire for approval can be so overwhelming that it overwhelms our authentic self.

But you’re different. You don’t let the applause or criticism of others dictate your actions. Instead, you stay true to your values ​​and beliefs, even when they go against the grain.

Psychology tells us that this kind of authenticity is a rare and valuable trait. It demonstrates a strong sense of self and the ability to resist social pressures—qualities that are the essence of personal freedom and resilience.

You don’t seek validation from outside sources; you find it within yourself. Your actions are guided by your values, not the expectations of others.

2) You embrace failure as a stumbling block

Failure. It’s a small word, but it carries a heavy weight. Most people fear it, avoid it, and dread it. But not you.

Instead of running away from failure, you see it as an integral part of your journey. You understand that every setback is an opportunity to learn, grow, and evolve.

This is not a common mindset. Many people view failure as a dead end, but psychology shows that embracing failure is a sign of resilience and adaptability. It’s a testament to your ability to rise above challenges and keep moving forward.

You’ve learned to interpret failure not as the end of the road, but as a detour on the road to success. Don’t let failure define you; use it to refine you.

As Thomas Edison once said, “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” So the next time you stumble, remember: It’s not a fall; it’s a step forward.

3) You’re Committed to Personal Growth and Self-Awareness

You understand that personal growth doesn’t happen overnight. It’s an ongoing journey of self-discovery and transformation. And you’re not afraid to dig deep, examine your beliefs, and challenge societal conditioning.

This commitment to personal growth and self-awareness is a strong indicator of an amazing person. But it’s not always easy. It takes courage, patience, and perseverance.

That’s why resources like the Free Your Mind Masterclass with shaman Rhoda Iande can be so incredibly valuable. I was personally deeply involved in producing this masterclass, as it aligns with my mission to promote authentic living and personal freedom.

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The course is designed to help you break free from limiting beliefs and societal conditioning. It offers practical tools for spiritual release and personal growth, helping you align your thoughts and actions with your values.

Whether you want to overcome self-imposed limitations or develop emotional resilience, this course can guide you on your journey to mental and emotional freedom.

So why not take the next step in your journey? Join the Free Your Mind course today and start embracing your true potential.

4) You’re Not Afraid to Face Your Fears

Facing our fears is one of the hardest things we can do. It requires us to step outside our comfort zone and face the unknown. But you? You’re not afraid to look your fears in the eye.

Psychology tells us that this is a rare trait. Most people would rather avoid their fears, bury them deep inside, and pretend they don’t exist. But you realize that real growth happens when we face our fears.

That doesn’t mean you’re fearless. It means you dare to face your fears, challenge them, and learn from them. You don’t see fear as a barrier, but rather as a guide that leads you toward growth and self-understanding.

So I ask you this: What fear will you choose to face today?

5) You Believe in the Power of Community

In a world that often prioritizes individual success, you recognize the profound importance of community. You see the value in authentic relationships and supportive communities.

Psychology shows us that this perception is not common. Many people focus on personal accomplishments, often ignoring the power of community. But you? You know that we rise by lifting others.

You see, you realize that success is not just an individual journey, but a collective one. It is through our connections with others that we find the courage to pursue our dreams, the resilience to overcome challenges, and the joy of shared experiences.

So remember, no one is an island. We are interconnected, and together we succeed.

6) You Use Money as a Tool for Positive Change

When we think of prosperity, many of us immediately think of accumulating wealth. But you see it differently. You realize that prosperity is more about aligning your financial decisions with your deepest values ​​and using money as a tool for positive change.

This perspective is not common. Many people are driven by the desire to accumulate wealth without considering the broader impact of their financial choices. But you realize that every financial decision you make is a vote on the kind of world you want to live in.

You are committed to being a conscious consumer and investor, directing your resources toward businesses and initiatives that advance social good. You understand that true prosperity is not just about wealth; it’s about purpose, creativity, and ethical engagement in the economy.

So let’s remember that money itself is not the end goal. It’s a tool—a tool that can be used to create a more just and sustainable future.

7) You envision a world guided by creativity, compassion, and collaboration

In today’s world, competition and individual success are often prioritized. But you have a different vision—one of a world where creativity, compassion, and collaboration are the guiding principles.

This vision is not widely shared. Many people focus on personal gain without considering the common good. But you believe in the potential of every individual to contribute to a better future.

You see diversity as something to be celebrated, not feared. You envision economies that prioritize shared prosperity. Most importantly, you believe in the transformative power of each individual who takes responsibility for their actions.

So let’s step toward that vision together. A world guided by creativity, compassion, and collaboration is not only possible, it’s within our reach.

Embrace Your Awesomeness

Throughout this article, we’ve delved into the rare qualities that make you an awesome person. These signs—your authenticity, your resilience in the face of failure, your commitment to personal growth and self-awareness, your courage to face your fears, your belief in the power of community, your conscious financial decisions, and your vision for a better world—paint a vivid picture of an individual who not only survives but truly thrives.

Each of these traits reflects a deep understanding of our common humanity and a commitment to living authentically and freely. And remember, these qualities aren’t just descriptions—they’re actions you live out every day.

For those seeking to deepen their self-awareness and further unleash their potential, I highly recommend the advanced course “Free Your Mind” with Rhoda Iande. This advanced course is designed to help you move beyond limiting beliefs and societal conditioning.

In this advanced course, Rhoda Iande takes you on a transformational journey filled with profound insights and practical tools for personal liberation. You will learn how to align your thoughts and actions with your values, leading to improved mental clarity and emotional resilience.

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