7 subtle ways to stay easy-going and relaxed as you get older

We all want to age gracefully, but what does that mean?

And is it even possible in this fast-paced, stress-filled world we live in?

I know staying calm and relaxed as we age may seem like a daunting task, but trust me, it’s not as hard as you think.

If you’re wondering, “How can I stay calm and collected as the years go by?” then stay tuned.

I have seven hidden ways that can help you maintain your youthful spirit and calm outlook, no matter how many candles are on your birthday cake.

Let’s get started.

1) Embrace Mindfulness


You’ve probably heard this term a lot lately. But what is it?

In simple terms, mindfulness is about being fully present and aware of where we are and what we’re doing. Not being overly reactive or bothered by what’s going on around us.

Now, you might be thinking, “That sounds great, but how do I do that?”

It’s easier than you think.

The key is to start small.

Try taking a few minutes out of your day to sit quietly and focus on your breathing. Notice the sensation of the air going in and out of your body, the rhythm of your heartbeat, and the calmness within you.

Over time, this mindfulness practice can help you stay calm and relaxed, even in the face of life’s inevitable challenges.

It’s a small step, but it can make a big difference in your outlook as you age.

2) Get Active

Physical activity is another key to staying relaxed and manageable as we age.

I remember my grandmother always saying, “If you don’t use it, you lose it.” She was talking about our bodies, our muscles, and our strength.

And she was right.

A few years ago, I found myself feeling stressed and lethargic.

My mind was constantly racing, and my body felt like it was stuck in slow motion. That’s when I decided to take up running.

I’m not going to lie, it was hard at first.

My legs were aching, my lungs were burning, and every step felt like a chore. But I kept running, one step at a time, day after day.

Now running has become an integral part of my daily routine. It not only keeps me physically fit, but it also helps me clear my mind and stay relaxed.

The feeling of fresh air filling my lungs, the rhythm of my steps on the pavement, the gentle wind on my face—all of these remind me daily that I am alive and well.

So, whether it’s running, yoga, swimming, or just walking in the park—find a form of physical activity that you enjoy and make it part of your daily routine.

3) Acceptance is Key

Here’s a hard truth:

As we age, things change.

Our bodies change, our circumstances change, and even our most cherished relationships change.

And sometimes, these changes can be hard to accept.

I’ve had my fair share of struggles with acceptance.

When my hair started to turn grey when my knees started to creak when my kids moved out and started their own lives – all of these moments stirred up a storm of emotions inside of me.

But over time, I’ve learned that resisting these changes only leads to stress and resentment.

Instead, accepting these changes, even embracing them, can bring a sense of peace and serenity.

It’s about understanding that change is a natural part of life, and it’s okay to let go of what was and open up to what could be.

Don’t get me wrong – acceptance doesn’t mean giving up or resigning yourself to a life of resentment.

It simply means acknowledging the realities of life and choosing to make the most of them.

Ultimately, it’s not the years you spend in your life that matter. It’s the life you live in your years. So why not choose peace?

Why not choose acceptance?

4) Develop a positive mindset

Attitude is everything – especially as we age.

There’s a saying that goes, “Life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we react to it.” I believe this to be true.

I have found that maintaining a positive mindset can be an incredibly effective tool in staying relaxed and easygoing as the years go by.

Now, I am not suggesting that you be relentlessly optimistic or ignore the facts of life.

That is neither practical nor helpful.

Instead, try to focus on the good in every situation.

When faced with adversity, ask yourself: What can I learn from this? How can this make me stronger?

It’s all about perspective.

Sure, this is easier said than done. But with practice, you can train your mind to see the bright side in every cloud.

And remember, a positive mindset doesn’t just benefit you, it has a ripple effect on those around you as well.

5) Stay Connected

Humans are social creatures.

We thrive on interaction, connection, and communication.

Did you know that strong social connections can increase our longevity?

It’s true. Research has shown that people with strong social connections tend to live longer and healthier lives.

I’ve always believed in the power of connection.

I’ve seen it in my own life. The joy of sharing a meal with family, the comfort of a deep conversation with a friend, the warmth of a simple hug—these moments of connection add color and richness to our lives.

As we age, it’s important to nurture these social connections.

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Reach out to old friends. Make new friends. Get involved in community activities. Volunteer for a cause close to your heart.

Remember, it’s never too early to make new friends or reconnect with an old friend. So pick up your phone. Write an email. Plan a coffee date. Make an effort, even when you don’t feel like it.

6) Practice Self-Care

At every stage of life, you’ve given your best, taken on responsibilities, and cared for others.

But in the midst of it all, have you remembered to take care of yourself?

Self-care isn’t just about spa days and snacks (although those are nice, too). It’s about making time to nurture your body, mind, and spirit.

It’s about listening to your body when it needs rest.

It’s about feeding your mind with positive thoughts and uplifting conversations. It’s about feeding your soul with moments of quiet reflection and genuine laughter.

So the next time you’re feeling overwhelmed or stressed, take a step back. Take a deep breath. Remember that it’s okay to put yourself first sometimes.

After all, you can’t pour from an empty cup.

Take care of yourself first, so you can continue to take care of the others in your life. This gentle act of self-love can go a long way in helping you stay relaxed and manageable as you age.

7) Keep Learning

The beauty of life is that it’s a constant journey of learning and growth.

As we get older, it can be easy to fall into the trap of thinking we’ve seen it all and done it all. But the truth is, there’s always something new to learn, something new to discover.

Whether it’s picking up a new hobby, delving into a book on a topic you know nothing about, or simply learning a new recipe – keep your mind open and curious.

This constant process of learning not only keeps our minds sharp, it also adds a sense of purpose and excitement to our lives.

It reminds us that no matter how old we are, we’re still growing, still evolving, and still thriving.

And that’s the secret to staying calm and relaxed as you age.

Keep learning. Keep growing. And most importantly, keep enjoying the journey.

Final Thoughts

As we age through the different stages of life, it’s natural to crave a sense of calm and serenity.

But here’s a comforting thought—staying calm and relaxed as we age isn’t some far-fetched idea. It’s a delicate art that can be learned and nurtured, one small step at a time.

By embracing mindfulness, staying active, embracing change, cultivating positivity, maintaining social connections, practicing self-care, and keeping an open mind to learning—you’re setting yourself on a path toward a calmer, more fulfilling life.

So take these subtle ways to heart. Meditate on them, and apply them to your daily life, and as you do, you may find yourself aging gracefully, comfortably, and with a heart full of peace.

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