Flat Earth.
Strange political events.
Conspiracy theories about Earth spread like wildfire; some are downright bizarre.
They attract people, and sometimes spark interesting and engaging discussions. People believe they have evidence to support their conspiracies, or perhaps they have strong beliefs about others.
Narcissists will always be at the center of the action. You’ll see them circulate around wild claims, assumptions, and photos or videos that surface.
A conspiracy theory is interesting to them—but why?
When I tell you, it will all make perfect sense.
Things Get Weird Fast
When it comes to conspiracy theories, I’m sure we’ve all heard them. And don’t get me wrong, there will be people who secretly believe whatever they want to believe. If they’re challenged, it’s fine. It’s all part of freedom of choice, right?
Related : When THIS Happens The Narcissist Becomes Dangerous!
Not everyone who thinks about conspiracy theories is a narcissist, but narcissists are drawn to conspiracy theories.
And things can get very strange very quickly.
Anything For The Audience
Gather around so I can tell you a story that will shock you!
Now, sit still while I tell you that this isn’t a story—it’s true!
The crowd gathers, and the narcissist loves to be at the center of the action.
Conspiracy theories are whispered, and people watch and listen with surprised expressions on their faces.
The narcissist controls the audience as they see fit.
Divide And Decline
Conspiracy theories are known to divide people, and that’s what narcissists love to do the most!
And that’s partly why they’re drawn to them. They want to see people arguing right before their eyes.
It’s simply impossible!
Well, it’s very possible!
You’re talking nonsense!
Impossible! I saw it with my own eyes!
Ah. What a wonderful moment for a narcissist.
Watching. Listening. Waiting for the consequences.
7 Weird Reasons Narcissists Believe in Conspiracy Theories
- They’re Always Right
Don’t argue with them! They won’t tolerate error, and you’re in trouble if you question them!
Listen, no matter how outlandish the latest conspiracy theory is—if a narcissist believes it—it must be true.
They’re known to get really angry when you don’t fall for their beliefs with them. What they also do with these beliefs is convince you. They want to know they can manipulate your thoughts to align with theirs.
- They Want to Appear Knowledgeable
Information is power.
Knowledge is power.
Being above the crowd is power.
Conspiracy theories fascinate people, and I’m sure we’re all guilty of asking too many questions. Narcissists delve deeper by thoroughly researching all the information related to particular theories they’re interested in to appear like they know everything.
They want to know everything.
So they can look down on others. They love to ask questions.
So, how do you know this?
What prompted you to look for it?
Do you really believe this is true?
How sure are you?
Should I be worried?
Do you see how all these questions can panic people? How real drama can unfold after just one conversation with a narcissist?
It’s a really dangerous game—but hey—narcissists love danger…
…and games!
- They Love Convincing People: Power!
The idea of being surrounded by dozens of people who don’t believe you, only to be lured into agreeing with you ten minutes later, is something narcissists live by.
Their art of convincing others is what makes their eyes sparkle, their hearts flutter, and their smiles widen.
Of course, narcissists always want you to agree with them. They love to hear and see you nodding, doing, saying, and thinking like them.
What does that mean?
The more followers they have, the more they feel like leaders. The one in control. The one people send links and ideas to. The one people ask all their questions to…
Related : 7 Reasons Why You Feel Lonely Healing From Trauma
…Please tell me, wise man!
Doesn’t this drive you crazy?
- Paranoia
Narcissists are paranoid, constantly looking over their shoulder to see if anyone has figured them out yet.
They will behave in ways that will shock and surprise you, including conspiracy theories.
It’s not enough to simply accept that not everything in this world is as it seems (and I’m sure we all agree on that), but they must dig deeper and convince themselves of the truth of some of the most ludicrous theories.
Narcissists hate criticism, and mocking them only prolongs their paranoia. Where else can it go if it isn’t replaced by the latest alien invasion theories?!
- The Desire for Uniqueness
Oh, I totally believe this.
It must be true, look at all this evidence!
Narcissists love being different. They want to be different from others and set their own standards.
They are portrayed as bespoke human beings, thanks to their belief in conspiracy theories.
- The Need to Control the Narrative
Think about this:
Narcissists must always be right.
They can only do this if they promote a story that convinces others to believe them, even if that story is so far from the truth that you can’t even see the truth.
I know what I’m talking about, and I know it perfectly. I know exactly what’s going on, and I have a very convincing explanation.
This goes both ways when the media promotes a particular narrative that the narcissist doesn’t agree with, and they’ll do their best to explain why their narrative is the right one.
- Instigating Enmity
“Alex, come on. Narcissists definitely don’t like instigating people, do they?”
If you have to ask me this right now, I encourage you to go back to the beginning of my blogs and start over.
Because… drumbeats… yes! They thrive when they see you stressed. When you’re losing your temper in frustration, they’re at their happiest.
So, it’s no surprise that narcissists love to provoke you when it comes to conspiracy theories.
The more they dig deeper and uncover all the stories they’ve heard or read, the more they expect you to explode in anger, like a pot left in a long-dead treasure trove.