7 signs you’re in a complicated relationship that is wearing you down

In the complex dance of love, it’s easy to lose focus on the steps that are leading us.

Amid the whirlwind of emotions and complexities, signs often emerge that whisper of a relationship that may be more of a burden than a bliss.

From subtle cues to glaring red flags, recognizing when a relationship is becoming a burden rather than a source of support is crucial.

Below, we’ll take a look at 7 telltale signs that your relationship is draining the fabric of your well-being.

1) Constant Fatigue

It’s not uncommon to feel tired. Life can be tough, and it’s normal to feel overwhelmed from time to time.

But when you’re constantly feeling exhausted, and there’s one common denominator—your relationship—it’s time to take notice.

The truth is, that relationships are supposed to give you energy, not take it away. Sure, they require work and can be challenging. But if you’re constantly feeling tired and drained after interacting with your partner, it could be a sign that your relationship is draining your energy.

If you’re putting more energy into keeping the relationship going than you’re getting out of it, that’s a clear sign that something is wrong.

2) You’re always walking on eggshells

I remember feeling like I was always walking on thin ice, always on the edge of the abyss, afraid that one wrong move would shatter everything.

That was my life in a previous relationship. I felt like I couldn’t be myself or express my thoughts freely, for fear that it would spark an argument or a negative reaction from my partner.

In a healthy relationship, you should feel comfortable expressing your opinion, sharing your feelings, and being yourself without constant fear of repercussions. But in this relationship, I was constantly worrying about what I said or how I acted.

Looking back, I realized how much damage I was doing to my overall health. If you find yourself constantly walking on eggshells, take that as a sign that the relationship may be draining you.

3) Your self-esteem is deteriorating

Your relationship should make you feel good about yourself, not make you question your worth. When your self-esteem starts to decline in a relationship, it’s a clear warning sign.

According to Charlie Health, people in toxic relationships often experience a significant drop in their self-esteem. They’re more likely to blame themselves for problems and feel inadequate.

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So, if you’ve noticed that you’ve been doubting yourself a lot or feeling low in confidence since you got into the relationship, it’s time to reevaluate things. A healthy love life should lift you and make you feel valuable, not make you feel small and insignificant.

4) You’re Always Making Excuses for Your Partner

When you’re in a low-key toxic relationship, it’s easy to fall into this pattern of justifying their actions. My best friend Phoebe went through something similar.

At first, Phoebe’s partner seemed great. But over time, his behavior turned toxic. He’d cancel plans at the last minute, make hurtful comments, and get jealous over trivial things.

Phoebe found herself making excuses for him all the time. She’d say he was stressed or insecure. But deep down, she knew things weren’t right.

It wasn’t until Phoebe opened up to me about it that I realized how toxic it was.

Let’s be clear: In a healthy relationship, you shouldn’t feel the need to make excuses for your partner’s behavior.

5) You’re neglecting other aspects of your life

Being involved in a complex relationship can quickly become consuming, overshadowing every aspect of your life.

If you find yourself neglecting friends, family, hobbies, or work because of your relationship, it’s a stark sign that it’s too complicated.

Make no mistake: a thriving relationship should enrich your life, not detract from it. Your partner should acknowledge and respect your outside commitments and passions outside of the relationship.

6) You feel lonely when you’re together

There’s a certain kind of loneliness that goes beyond isolation—it’s feeling lonely in the presence of another person.

In a healthy relationship, you expect your partner to provide emotional support, understanding, and validation. They’re supposed to be the ones to make you feel valued, appreciated, and understood.

However, in a relationship tainted by diluted toxicity, these emotional needs often go unmet. Despite the physical closeness, there is a tangible emotional gap, leaving you feeling isolated and dissatisfied.

7) You are constantly hoping for change

I used to find myself staring at my partner, silently wishing he would change. I held onto the hope that one day things would be different and that the stressful issues would suddenly disappear.

This is a common trap that many of us fall into—staying in a chaotic relationship because we think our partner will change. We cling to every little sign of improvement as proof that things are getting better, even when the big picture doesn’t look good.

But I’ve learned the hard way that you can’t force someone to change if they don’t want to. Yes, people can change, but it’s not something you can control or predict.

Navigating the Path Forward: Finding Clarity in Complexity
As you consider these signs, remember: Recognizing the wear and tear in a relationship is the first step toward reclaiming your peace and happiness.

Whether it’s through open communication, seeking professional guidance, or courageously walking away, prioritizing your well-being is crucial. Trust your instincts, honor your value, and know that you deserve a relationship that lifts and empowers you.

Embrace the journey ahead with courage and self-compassion, because clarity and fulfillment await those who dare to navigate the complexities of love with authenticity and grace.