7 Signs Your Partner Is An Emotional Leech

It’s funny that the people we care about the most can also be the people who drain us the most. Primarily because we love them so much, we refuse to see their negatives.

But with emotional leeches, you’re bound to see them at some point. Your body and mind will be exhausted and you will know that the leech is to blame.

If you’re not feeling quite like yourself and you have that feeling of exhaustion after spending time with your partner, you’re probably dealing with an emotional rollercoaster.

Maybe your relationship is draining you as we speak, but your feelings are preventing you from seeing clearly.

Maybe you had a previous relationship with someone who drained you emotionally and didn’t realize it, or you did but it was too late. Here are some sure signs that your partner is or has been an emotional leech:

  1. He still plays texting games
    It’s really tiring waiting for your partner to respond to text messages. Sure, people can’t be on their phones constantly and be able to respond to texts, but he never does; He always waits a significant amount of time to respond to text messages.

Or even take days, which is really childish and stupid and just playing games.

You don’t want to end it over some unimportant text, but it’s not that important when you’re emotionally and physically tired of wondering where he is and why he’s ignoring you.

You need to have a long, direct conversation with him or else you’ll feel exhausted, not to mention unhappy, as a result.

  1. They ask a lot from you but are not willing to give anything back in return

They just keep on taking from you. They need you to be there, to listen and understand but when you are in need, they are nowhere to be found.

You make excuses for them even though their behavior does not deserve your forgiveness.

They keep taking from you emotionally but they don’t give anything back.

You’re exhausted and have no way to recharge yourself because it doesn’t bring anything back. Emotions need reciprocity to survive.

  1. They are always on your mind
    It seems like every thought you have is directed at them. You are thinking about your partner’s whereabouts and loyalty, which could be signs of some insecurities from the past, stemming from previous relationships.

You should re-examine yourself and your relationships or see if your partner is doing something that makes you doubt them. Maybe he is intentionally making you jealous.

Think everything through. Constantly thinking about whether or not he will cheat is not the way to live and your body and mind feel it.

  1. You continue to avoid long conversations with him

You keep avoiding long conversations because you know they will be tiring.

You especially avoid certain topics because they have drained you in the past.

You would rather leave something than bother discussing it with him, no matter how important it is or how much pain it causes you.

  1. It’s all about them
    Talking to them is like talking to a brick wall. They have their own internal monologues and don’t really care what you have to say.

They are busy with themselves. They also have this ability to spin each story to suit them.

Also read : 6 Signs He Is Just Leading You On

If you end up apologizing for things you know you didn’t do, you are most likely dealing with an emotional manipulator and he is bound to drain you emotionally as well.

  1. You keep wanting to spend time alone
    Sure, we all need some time to ourselves, somewhere where we don’t have to talk and no one bothers us with anything.