7 Signs of An Over-Emotional Histrionic Narcissist

Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) can appear in different subtypes, one of which is the histrionic narcissist. This article explores seven key signs of an overly emotional histrionic narcissist, highlighting the unique characteristics and behaviors associated with this subtype.


Introducing the concept of histrionic narcissism as a subtype of narcissistic personality disorder.
Explain that histrionic narcissists display exaggerated emotions and need constant attention and validation.

Sign 1: Excessive emotions:

Describe the histrionic narcissist’s tendency to display intense and often melodramatic emotions.
Explain how they can react dramatically to simple events or attract attention with emotional displays.

Sign 2: Attention-seeking behavior:

Discuss the constant need for attention and validation that histrionic narcissists exhibit.
Provide examples of attention-seeking behaviors such as asking for praise, admiration, or reassurance.

Sign 3: Surface Relationships:

Explain how histrionic narcissists often form shallow and fleeting relationships that lack depth or emotional intimacy.
Discuss their tendency to prioritize quantity over quality in relationships.

The fourth sign: flirtation and temptation:

Describe the flirtatious and seductive behavior that histrionic narcissists may engage in to attract attention and admiration.

Related : Do Narcissists Feel Guilty About Abusing Loved Ones?

Discuss how they can use their physical appearance and charm to manipulate others.

Sign 5: Impulsiveness and recklessness:

Explain how histrionic narcissists can display impulsive and risky behaviors without considering the consequences.
Discuss the possibility of drug use, reckless spending, or impulsive decision-making.

Sixth sign: Difficulty in criticizing:

Discuss the histrionic narcissist’s extreme sensitivity to criticism or rejection.
Explain how they may react defensively or emotionally to even mild reactions.

Sign 7: Rapid shift of emotions:

Highlight the rapid and unexpected shifts in emotions that histrionic narcissists often experience.
Discuss how emotional instability can create chaos in relationships.


Summarize the seven signs of a histrionic emotional narcissist.
Emphasize the importance of recognizing these signs in order to better understand and navigate relationships with individuals who display histrionic narcissistic traits.