Narcissists suffer from a personality disorder that eventually destroys you. At first, we do not understand what situation we put ourselves in because these people excel in the art of manipulation.
When we meet him for the first time, he seems perfect, a rather rare man: we are delighted and can’t believe we’ve hit the jackpot – we can’t believe we’ve found the perfect man for us.
And only then do we discover that it was all a lie. We realize that he is nothing more than a manipulative scoundrel who only sought your love for one purpose – his vampirism.
There is a game they excel at – one that no one can compete with – which is the game of manipulation. It is their most powerful weapon and they know how to use it to get whatever they want. They play little games to hurt and humiliate you. The unhappiness and suffering of others increases their ego and feeds their souls.
Narcissists will consume and vampirize you, and once they are done with you, they will blame you.
The amazing thing about them is that they always manage, one way or another, to make a fresh start. No matter how many people they destroy, they always find a new victim to deal with and once that’s done, they give up your pain and move on to the next person.
These people never admit that they made a mistake. What’s more, they will blame you for everything, knowing full well that it’s their fault.
When you finally realize that he used you and drained your life force, when you finally let go of him, he will do everything in his power to get you back. He will use “recovery” tactics to literally sabotage you and lure you back into your dysfunctional relationship.
Here are some “recovery” techniques that all narcissists use for your recovery:
- Intentionally misinterpreting your thoughts and feelings
Narcissists have the ability to make your opinions and ideas seem ridiculous. They have the ability to make you think that you are the crazy and irrational one. We can then almost speak of “telepathy.”
These toxic people think they know exactly what you’re thinking or feeling; Therefore, they tend to draw hasty conclusions, without even analyzing situations. They clearly do not realize that they are drawing hasty conclusions because they are convinced that they are right.
They will attribute something to you, and when you try to confront them about it, they will deny saying anything and walk away.
- Change the topic
Narcissists love to use this tactic. Whether it’s to put an end to something or when you confront them with something else, they will change the subject by trying to impersonate the victims. They will bounce back from the mistakes you made a whole year ago. They never forget anything. When you make a mistake, they will lie to you, telling you that it doesn’t matter until a situation like the one presented here arises. They will throw everything at you, just to distract you. - Harass and destroy your reputation
If they lose all control over you, they will do everything they can to make others think you are the toxic person. They will try to ruin your reputation and tarnish your name so that you will have no safety net after you leave them. They want to make everyone around you think you’re dangerous, so you’ll end up alone, with nothing to talk to after you leave.
They may even harass you and people you know. They will try to trap them, defame you, or reveal the so-called truth about you.