We have probably read many articles about why people are attracted to people with low self-esteem. But what about the reasons why people with low self-esteem are attracted to us?
It’s a question we might not think about often: “Why do I attract people with low self-esteem?” But it’s a good question.
You see, people with low self-worth often hide behind a vaulted sense of self, and you may not know how mentally broken they are. it’s the truth. Therefore, we spend a little time internally evaluating whether we attract this type of person.
Reasons why we might attract people with low self-esteem
It may take some time, and you may not like what you find, but it’s important to discover why you keep attracting people without a healthy image of themselves.
You see, we should all have a balanced view of our character and integrity. We must appreciate who we are. Some people live low, and are attracted to certain aspects of others. Let’s examine these things.
- Low self-esteem
One of the most common reasons why someone with low self-esteem will be attracted to you is because you also have low self-esteem. Sometimes like attracts like, and people with similar personalities and weaknesses are attracted to each other.
So, you may have a little work to do on the way you feel about yourself as well. Is it possible that you are hiding behind a fake smile and don’t like yourself very much?
- Cool and detached
If you attract people with low self-esteem, could it be difficult to talk to them? Many people who appear cold and unapproachable will attract others who lack healthy self-worth.
You see, some are still drawn to that feeling of playing hard to get, and to the point that it’s a form of abuse. You may not see yourself that way, but you may be very isolated, and this is a huge turn-on for those who struggle with loving themselves.
- I have experienced trauma
People with low self-esteem can sometimes feel when others are going through traumatic times. And if they see someone posting on social media about abuse or anything similar, they will be drawn to the broken sides of that person.
They are attracted because they see someone who might give them a chance, and that person is imperfect, and perhaps less materialistic as well. This means a lot to someone struggling with their self-worth.
They see an opportunity to be with someone who might make them feel better about themselves. It is similar to being attracted to others with low self-esteem, except that trauma survivors often come to terms with negative feelings about themselves and grow through self-healing.
And if you suffer from low self-esteem, a partner who has learned to love themselves can encourage it, too. If you are a trauma survivor, don’t be surprised if you start attracting people who have problems loving themselves.
- You are strong and independent
People with low self-esteem may be attracted to others who send signals of incredible power. You see, if you are an independent person, you are likely to be financially stable, mentally stable, and even emotionally stable.
Those who cannot see their value will want to hold on to yours. They view your strong growth as something they will never achieve, and the next best thing they can do is get closer to it. You shine a bright light that pulls lost things out of the darkness.
- You are lonely
It is always best to keep your unit out of the public eye. Why? Because people with low self-esteem are attracted to lonely people. When they realize you’re lonely, they see an opportunity to be loved because of your desperation.
Now, I’m not saying that being alone is a bad thing, oh no. Sometimes being alone is the best thing for a person.
Loneliness and loneliness are two completely different things. Unity is energy that goes out into the world, and others will notice. That’s why it’s a good idea to keep these feelings to yourself or a small circle of your platonic friends.
- You know exactly who you are
If you’ve ever gone on a vision quest or spent some time living alone, you’ve probably recognized yourself. Such a great experience. When this happens, you realize a lot about your purpose in life.
People with low self-esteem notice this, and if they don’t attack you with accusations of being too “self-absorbed,” they will be attracted to you.
Having healthy knowledge about yourself is magnetic, something everyone wants, but they don’t always realize it. it’s the truth.
We spend most of our lives stumbling around in the dark until we have that encounter with our souls. People who have not had this encounter will be attracted to those who have, and thus people who cannot love themselves will love those who can.
- Narcissism
This may be one of the hardest things to admit to yourself. But if you’re a bit toxic, or someone tells you you are, you’ll attract people who don’t like themselves.
Narcissistic behavior is sometimes difficult to recognize, especially in yourself. But here’s a secret: we all have a little narcissism inside us.
So, if you’re wondering why you’re always attracted to people with low self-esteem, maybe you should do some serious introspection with the help of your family and friends. Hey, be honest with yourself.
What can you do about this?
If you realize that someone with low self-esteem is attracted to you, look through this list and see if any of these things resonate.
Are you cold and unapproachable? Have you learned to love yourself? Well, whatever the reason, there will be different ways of looking at the situation.
If you are cold and unapproachable, you may need to come out of your shell a little to stop attracting negativity. If you knew exactly who you were, you probably wouldn’t get involved in a toxic relationship in the first place. You may also be able to maintain a friendship level and help that person with low self-esteem.