Why can’t you ever feel happy for others? Well, believe it or not, it’s common to feel envious. However, if you are not truly happy for someone else, there are underlying reasons.
Yes, we can sometimes feel jealous of the success of friends and family. But is it really normal to never be happy for others? no not like that. Now, I’m not trying to judge you or bring you down. I just want to help you understand why some of us do this. Let us examine this issue.
Why are we never happy with others?
You may have noticed how uncomfortable you feel when a family member brings good news. And I’m sure you may wonder later why you feel this way. Am I right?
Well, sometimes, you may feel inadequate and even compare yourself to someone else, and this is one of the roots of other people’s true unhappiness. Call it envy, call it what you will, but make sure you recognize the real reasons for this feeling. Here are a few of them.
- Low self-esteem
Some people have trouble being happy for others because they are unhappy with their own lives. Low self-esteem or self-esteem can cause us to compare ourselves with everyone, even if we are comparing our bad days to someone else’s good days.
This particular action can cause intense feelings of inadequacy. Depression often comes with low self-esteem as well, so you can never be happy for others.
- Extreme envy
While envy is not necessarily a disease, it can be a symptom of a personality disorder. Sometimes, it can just be feelings of envy separate from any other symptoms.
However, envy can appear hostile when in the presence of a friend or family member who has good news to share. While a small amount of envy can motivate you to improve your life as a survival instinct, too much envy can do the opposite. This may be one of the reasons why you are never happy with others.
- Stuck in a negative cycle
It has nothing to do with envy or self-esteem, being stuck in a negative cycle may simply mean that you cannot see the positive side of most things in life. Negative thinking can become your default mindset.
When this happens, not only is it difficult to feel happy for yourself, but it is almost impossible to be happy for friends or family. No amount of positive reinforcement from the outside will change this negative mindset. You are the only person who can change this thought process.
- Intimidation
Sometimes a person’s success is scary. This fear makes it difficult for people to be happy for others and share the joy of certain events.
If you feel fear, you are afraid that you cannot achieve these things on your own. They may seem difficult, or these accomplishments may come with a high price that you are not willing to pay. So, instead of being happy, you are shocked and feel small. You can try changing the subject in positive conversations about the event.
- Resentment
Maybe you are never happy with others because you are upset with them. Maybe you resent their accomplishments because you wasted so much time in your life.
Hey, I’ve wasted years of my life making bad decisions, and I’ve struggled at times to be happy for my friends. But did you know? This will only make you bitter. It’s very difficult to celebrate other people’s success when you remember all the opportunities you took for granted. If you are not happy with yourself, you will not be happy with others.
- Selfishness
If it’s not for you, you probably don’t care. The happiness of others is not very exciting if you are a selfish person. But this doesn’t have to be your life sentence. You can learn to be more altruistic and congratulate friends and family when they accomplish great things.
If you are selfish, you will internalize many of the things you are trying to achieve in life, when in reality, you will miss out on the happiness shared with those you love.
- Narcissistic disorders
Similar to being selfish, having narcissistic disorder causes you to never feel happy for others. But, you see, selfishness is just one trait of narcissism. With narcissistic personality disorder, there are many traits that prevent you from being happy for your loved ones.
Self-centeredness, deception, and many other toxic traits will cause you to constantly put the spotlight on yourself. You will never be happy with someone else as long as you do these things.
Is this you? Are you never happy for others?
Let’s be honest with ourselves, shall we? Are we really happy for others when they succeed? If so, that’s great, and we should be too. Think of it this way: Don’t you want others to celebrate your accomplishments? That’s why we should celebrate their good deeds and their awards as well.
it is easy. To be a good person, we must be kind and generous, and understand that the happiness of others is where true happiness resides for us as well.
So, today, if you’re feeling a little jealous or envious, think about how you want to feel when you succeed. Do you want support from your friends? Don’t you like to celebrate with your loved ones?