7 Painful Things Narcissists Will Always Lie About

Narcissists thrive on control, manipulation, and maintaining a false image of perfection. To protect their fragile egos and maintain dominance in relationships, they often resort to dishonesty. There are several painful truths that narcissists will never admit, instead choosing to lie or distort reality to preserve their self-image. Here are seven painful things narcissists will always lie about:

1. Their True Feelings of Insecurity

One of the most significant lies narcissists tell is about their sense of self-worth. On the surface, they project confidence and superiority, but deep down, they often feel insecure and inadequate. Narcissists are unwilling to admit that they need constant validation from others to feel good about themselves. Instead, they cover up their insecurities with grandiosity, boasting about their achievements, and putting others down to elevate themselves.

Acknowledging their vulnerabilities would shatter the carefully crafted image of strength and invulnerability that they rely on to manipulate others.

2. Their Manipulative Behavior

Narcissists often engage in manipulative tactics such as gaslighting, guilt-tripping, and emotional blackmail to control others. However, they will rarely, if ever, admit to these behaviors. Instead, they may twist the narrative to make it seem like they are the victim or that their manipulations are justified. When confronted with their deceitful actions, narcissists will likely deny, deflect, or shift the blame to someone else, never taking responsibility for their harmful conduct.

To acknowledge their manipulation would require them to admit they are not as moral or righteous as they pretend to be.

3. Their Dependency on Others

Despite their appearance of independence and self-sufficiency, narcissists are often highly dependent on others for emotional and even financial support. They need a constant stream of admiration and attention to feed their egos—this is known as “narcissistic supply.” However, they will never admit that they rely on others for their sense of self-worth. Instead, they will claim that others need them or that they are the ones providing all the value in the relationship.

This lie protects their self-image, making them seem strong and indispensable rather than emotionally needy.

4. Their Jealousy

Narcissists are often intensely jealous of others, particularly those who have qualities or achievements they secretly covet. Whether it’s someone’s success, social status, appearance, or relationships, narcissists may feel envious, but they will never admit it. Instead, they might criticize or belittle the person they are jealous of to diminish the threat they feel. This behavior helps them protect their false sense of superiority.

Admitting to jealousy would be akin to admitting that someone else is better than them in some way—a blow to their fragile ego.

5. Their Fear of Abandonment

Despite their inflated sense of self-worth, narcissists live with a constant fear of being abandoned. This fear drives much of their manipulative behavior, as they work hard to keep others under their control to prevent rejection. However, they will never admit that they are terrified of being alone. Instead, they may project an image of not caring, claiming that they are the ones who push people away or that they are too independent to need anyone.

Acknowledging their fear of abandonment would reveal a vulnerability that narcissists are unwilling to confront.

6. Their Lies and Deceptions

Lying is a common trait among narcissists. They often distort the truth to serve their own interests, whether it’s exaggerating their achievements, downplaying their faults, or spinning stories to make themselves look better. Narcissists will rarely admit to lying because their lies are an essential part of the false persona they’ve built. When caught in a lie, they may deny it outright or try to gaslight others into questioning their own reality.

Admitting to dishonesty would destroy the illusion of perfection and trustworthiness they strive to maintain.

7. The Harm They Cause to Others

Narcissists often cause significant emotional and psychological harm to the people in their lives. Whether through manipulation, emotional abuse, or neglect, they leave a trail of pain behind them. However, narcissists will rarely admit to the damage they cause. Instead, they may blame the victim, deny their role in the conflict, or claim that they were justified in their actions. Narcissists often lack genuine empathy and are more concerned with protecting their own image than taking responsibility for the pain they inflict on others.

Acknowledging the harm they cause would require self-reflection and accountability—two things narcissists are notoriously bad at.


Narcissists lie to protect their egos, maintain control, and preserve their self-image. Whether it’s denying their insecurities, avoiding responsibility for their actions, or hiding their manipulations, these lies help them avoid facing uncomfortable truths about themselves. Recognizing these lies can help you understand the true nature of a narcissist and protect yourself from their manipulative behaviors.

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