7 No-Nonsense Ways to Deal with Energy Vampires

Everyone knows about vampires from books, movies, and TV shows, and the dangers they pose. But there is a different kind of vampire that can be more dangerous, the energy vampire. We will talk about how to deal with energy vampires in your life.

Definition of energy vampire

An energy vampire is an individual who drains you of your emotional energy. They sometimes do this on purpose and refer to themselves as psychic vampires.
Energy vampires come into your life, take over, and then leave you feeling drained. And they are not all on the same level either. These friends, family, and loved ones—fall into different places in a range of intensity.

While one friend might be a little draining, another can make you feel like every ounce of energy you had before you came on the scene, is gone.

How to deal with vampires
If you have concluded that there are quite a few vampires in your life, I’m sure you’ll want to know how to deal with them. Well, maybe I can help. There are some effective strategies that may help you solve this problem.

  1. Check your expectations
    If you know you are dealing with an energy vampire, avoid sharing too much personal information with him or her. They usually don’t really listen to you anyway. Instead, allow the energy vampires to share the information with you because it is what they want to do.

Also, don’t give them advice because they probably won’t accept it anyway. An energy vampire wants to be heard and nurtures your interest.

Don’t allow yourself to get sucked too deeply into the conversation or care too much about what they have to say. Don’t be ruthless, but you must protect your energy reserves.

  1. Set clear boundaries for yourself
    If you can’t get away from an energy vampire, you can set boundaries with them. Avoid going on long trips or vacations with someone like this. Alternatively, you can try going out to dinner or sharing a cup of coffee at the local coffee shop.

Just remember to plan a way to leave at a certain time, which eliminates the possibility of stolen energy. When it comes to spending time with people like these, always plan ahead and set firm boundaries.

  1. Don’t fight with them
    If you try to communicate with an energy feeding vampire, it will get bad for you. They are bad at communicating because they are dominant.

This means that they will not compromise or see things from different points of view. This brings me to another point. Don’t fight with them because you won’t win.

Energy vampires fight dirty and while fighting, they drain you. You’d better say things like, “Whatever,” “Yeah, you’re right,” or “Okay,” and then walk away. They can’t feed them if you don’t give them the words to use against you.

  1. Be positive
    An energy vampire finds it a little more difficult to steal energy from a positive person. They generally look for others with medium to low vibrations like themselves. People who are negative but have a somewhat busy lifestyle are easy to bring down the most.

Therefore, keeping a high vibration will scare away energy vampires and usually make them leave you alone. At least they’ll think twice before trying manipulation tactics to steal your thunder.

  1. Use the word “no.”
    You should practice answering “no” more often than an energy vampire. For example, if you’re not up for a simple lunch date, say, “No.” Saying does not stop energy vampires in their tracks.

It does not act as a closed door and barrier and sends a powerful message, “Not today, Satan!” Haha, I just had to use that. I thought it would be funny. Because let’s be honest, that’s how it makes us feel.

If you don’t want to deal with an energy vampire, don’t. Say no to this troublemaker.

  1. Socialize in a group
    When an energy vampire wants to spend time with you, try meeting them and a group of other friends, too. Most of the time, an energy vampire will decline a group invitation because they want to sink their mental fangs into you and you alone.

Perhaps they see you as more vulnerable, and if that’s true, a group setting can protect you better. If the energy vampire agrees to meet with the group, it may dissuade them from acting passively, or it may reveal their true intentions to the rest of the group.

  1. Talk powerfully to yourself
    Read the statements in your head and always talk to yourself. Keeping yourself building will cause you to show strong feelings to others.

An energy vampire will think twice before messing with you. And if they do get inside your protective barrier, continue to talk kindly to yourself as a way to cleanse the toxic feelings.

Energy vampires are real

While this may seem supernatural in a way, some people can really suck all the energy out of you. Some do it on purpose, others have such severe disorders that it is almost impossible to refrain from this exchange of energies.

So, before you act on this advice, please make sure you are really dealing with an energy vampire. Remember that some people just need to vent and some may even act out of their normal self at times, due to stress, trauma, or confusion.