7 Manipulative Phrases Most People Think Are Normal

Did you know that manipulative phrases may sound natural to most people? it’s the truth. Many of the statements we make are used to control, gaslight, and distort, and sometimes we are the unsung victims.

Here’s some truth to get you started. Everyone uses manipulative phrases from time to time. However, the usual deliberate act of using manipulative words is very different.

Manipulation is essentially an unhealthy psychological strategy for gaining power. Narcissists use these phrases often. And it’s hard to get to know you when you’re being manipulated sometimes.

Recognize manipulative phrases

People use manipulation to get what they want, plain and simple. They use tactics such as lying, guilt, gaslighting, blame-shifting, and passive aggression. But it can be hard noticing this is happening to you.

Sometimes you’re really in a mess when you realize what’s going on. So here are several phrases to look out for.

  1. “You’re overreacting.”
    I bet you’ve heard this a lot, right? This is because telling someone to “make a mountain out of dirt” is commonplace.

If you were wondering, this is an expression that many parents already use. When children get upset, parents sometimes say that this is an overreaction. Also, when your partner is angry with you, that may be a phrase they use.

It’s also a red flag. Although many of us have said this, pay attention to who uses it every time you want to hear.

  1. “If you loved me, you would do it.”
    That’s an outrageous thing to say. The worst part is that it’s a joint statement. I mean, how many times have we heard our loved ones tell us that we should do things to prove our love? I bet this has happened to you many times, and you know what? It’s not healthy.

This kind of talk can cause severe emotional damage. And when it comes to doing something that seems impossible, this statement can make us feel like a failure. However, it was blown up a lot.

  1. “You’re Dramatic”
    The trick to this statement is that most of the time, whoever says this is the real culprit. If someone says “You’re dramatic,” they’ve already caused a scene or started a fight. They will start more fights and brawls in the future as well.

Watch out for these words and see them for what they are – manipulative phrases.

  1. “You Think You’re a Saint”
    This is one of the most annoying manipulative phrases out there. Often, during an argument, the narcissistic individual will exclaim,

“You just think you’re a saint, right?”

The reason they do this is to deflect the fact that they believe they can do no wrong, and also because they cannot find a refutation of the argument.

It’s so common that we often think it’s just part of an ordinary argument. However, these hurtful words seek to demean us and make us think the wrong things about ourselves. That is why we must get to know them.

  1. “It’s because you did this.”
    It’s kind of hard to coin this catchphrase, but basically, a manipulative person wants to take the blame. They say whatever they did is in direct response to something you did first.

For example, if you get into a fight with your brother, they may say they stole money from you because you left it out in the open. But this is no excuse. No matter what happens or what is said, you are responsible for your actions. Using a verb to justify a reaction is just plain manipulative behavior.

  1. “Oh, I would never do that.”
    never say never. This is what I learned in life. I think everything I said I wouldn’t do as a kid became something I honestly did.

But this statement becomes manipulative when one of your friends is judgmental while pushing you to trust them blindly. When they are, in fact, the same thing they are judging about another person, they may have already done it.

  1. “You’re paranoid.”
    Narcissists love to say this and use it as a gaslighting tool. Yes, many people say this to their friends, loved ones, and family, but sometimes it isn’t so innocent.

When a loved one calls you paranoid, they may say that you are imagining things, or that you are delusional. Whereas in reality, many times, you will catch your loved one in a lie. A paranoid statement is one of the most common forms of deception.

Deceptive phrases and your intentions

Afraid to use your words? No thanks are necessary. Sometimes people say things they don’t mean to be manipulative. Kind people and narcissists can use the same phrases. The key to this is putting all the pieces of the puzzle together. And if someone you know is using all of these phrases, be wary.

There are many manipulative phrases that people think are normal, which is why I wanted to share some of them with you. It is always important to stay aware of your acquaintances, especially the people in your close circle.

Pay attention to the way they talk to you. Do they say these phrases often? Does it look real? You just need to use your wits and you should be able to tell the difference.