7 Critical Ways To Avoid Raising A Narcissist

Studies have shown that narcissism is on the rise, which is a terrifying thing if you think about it.

It suggests that people are becoming conditioned to become more narcissistic, meaning that healthy relationships will become increasingly rare.

If you want your child to have a chance at a healthy relationship, make sure you do these things to help prevent narcissism.

Related: 19 Ways To Cope When You’re Dealing With An Abusive Narcissist

#Here are 7 crucial ways to avoid raising a narcissist:

1. Don’t make your child the center of the universe

Yes, we know you love your child, but they need to know that other people around them have feelings. By making sure they don’t get used to being the center of everyone’s attention, you teach them to be considerate of others and that everyone is equally important.

Related: How To Leave A Narcissist Safely And Peacefully

2. When your child is mean to another child, ask him how he would feel or explain what the consequences are

Narcissists often do things because they feel entitled to do them. Again, you need to show your child that being mean and manipulative will not win them any friends and that these children are hurting because of their actions.

3. Let your child fail once in a while

Have you ever noticed how children who have parents who are always fighting with teachers over grades tend to have narcissistic traits? This is because insisting on special treatment for your child tends to make them believe that they are entitled to special treatment all the time. Teaching them how to deal with failure and frustration is one of the easiest ways to avoid narcissism and burnout.

Related: 5 Personality Traits That Attract Narcissists & Abusers

4. Focus on connections rather than impressions

One of the easiest ways to ensure your child doesn’t turn into a narcissist is to focus on real friendships and real relationships rather than just letting him hog the spotlight. When they have real friends and a real connection with people, they will be less likely to feel low in self-esteem and will be less likely to act like a narcissist.

5. Learn to say “no”

Children need to learn boundaries, and that means you need to tell them they’re not getting their way from time to time. a surprise! Having boundaries makes children less likely to be narcissists.

Related: This Is How Narcissists Wear Out Their Welcome

6. Focus on warmth rather than praise

If there’s one thing we’ve learned recently, it’s that too much praise leads to narcissistic behavior. It makes people believe that they are worth more than they are, and at the same time, it leads to lower self-esteem. On the other hand, warmth tends to be more reassuring.

  1. Teach them love isn’t the same as approval
    Narcissists often don’t realize this and tend to take approval as better than love. You need to teach them the difference and explain that approval is fleeting.

RELATED:4 Awful, Unbelievable Memories Of Growing Up With A Narcissistic Mother