6 Ways How Narcissists Fool You

Narcissists are skilled at manipulation, and their tactics can be subtle, leaving you unaware of their influence until it’s too late. Here are six ways narcissists fool you into their web of deceit and control:

Charm and Flattery

Narcissists often start by showering you with excessive attention, charm, and compliments. This tactic, known as “love bombing,” makes you feel special and valued, which lowers your defenses. They’ll mirror your interests, tell you exactly what you want to hear, and create a deep emotional connection early on. But once they have you hooked, this charm fades, revealing their true nature.

Playing the Victim

Narcissists are masters at playing the victim to gain sympathy and control. They may recount past relationships or situations where they were wronged, making you feel sorry for them. This tactic shifts your focus away from their bad behavior and justifies any mistreatment they subject you to. By doing this, they can manipulate your emotions, ensuring you stay loyal and supportive despite their harmful actions.


Gaslighting is a psychological manipulation where the narcissist makes you doubt your own reality. They’ll deny things they said or did, twist your words, and even make you question your memory. Over time, you begin to second-guess yourself, relying on their version of events. This tactic gives them control while diminishing your self-confidence and autonomy.

Related : 7 Ways Narcissists Test Their Victims

False Promises and Future Faking

Narcissists are experts at making grand promises about the future to keep you invested in the relationship. They’ll talk about long-term plans, vacations, or even marriage, creating a sense of hope and excitement. However, these promises are rarely fulfilled. Instead, they use these fantasies to keep you focused on the potential of the relationship rather than its current reality.

Shifting Blame

Narcissists never take responsibility for their actions. When confronted, they’ll quickly shift the blame to you or others. They might accuse you of being too sensitive, misinterpreting things, or causing their bad behavior. This constant shifting of blame leaves you feeling guilty and confused, making it harder to hold them accountable for their actions.

Withholding and Silent Treatment

One of the ways narcissists maintain control is through emotional manipulation, such as giving you the silent treatment or withholding affection. When you don’t behave according to their expectations, they’ll punish you by withdrawing emotionally, leaving you anxious and desperate for their approval. This tactic keeps you off balance and reinforces their dominance in the relationship.


Narcissists have a range of manipulative tools to fool you and keep you under their control. From charm and flattery to emotional manipulation like gaslighting and the silent treatment, they create an environment where you doubt yourself and your reality. Recognizing these tactics is the first step in breaking free from their influence and reclaiming your sense of self.

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