6 Things You Should Do After a Narcissistic Relationship

Ending a relationship with a narcissist can be one of the most emotionally draining and confusing experiences. The manipulation, gaslighting, and emotional abuse leave deep scars. While the road to recovery can be challenging, there are key steps you can take to heal and rebuild your life. Here are six things you should do after leaving a narcissistic relationship:

1. Go No-Contact (or Low-Contact)

The first and most crucial step is to establish clear boundaries with the narcissist. Narcissists often attempt to regain control through manipulation or emotional blackmail, so cutting off all communication is essential for your healing. This includes blocking them on social media, changing your phone number if necessary, and avoiding any unnecessary interactions.

If no-contact is not possible (e.g., if you share children), set strict boundaries with low-contact. Keep communication limited, focused on practical matters, and avoid engaging emotionally with the narcissist.

Why It’s Important: Narcissists thrive on maintaining power and control. Going no-contact removes their ability to manipulate you and gives you the mental space to heal.

2. Recognize the Abuse for What It Was

One of the most challenging aspects of leaving a narcissistic relationship is acknowledging the abuse. Narcissists are masters of gaslighting, leaving you questioning your reality, doubting your feelings, and minimizing the harm done. It’s essential to recognize that what you went through was not normal or acceptable.

Reading about narcissistic abuse, speaking with a therapist, or joining support groups can help you understand the dynamics of the relationship and validate your experiences.

Related : How Do Narcissists Deal With Disappointment?

Why It’s Important: Understanding that you were abused, emotionally manipulated, and mistreated helps you begin to release the guilt or self-blame that often comes with leaving a narcissist.

3. Rebuild Your Self-Esteem

After being in a narcissistic relationship, it’s common to feel unworthy, insecure, or unsure of yourself. Narcissists tend to erode your self-esteem through constant criticism, manipulation, and devaluation. Rebuilding your confidence is a critical step in your recovery.

Engage in activities that make you feel empowered, surround yourself with supportive people, and focus on self-care. Journaling, practicing positive affirmations, and setting small, achievable goals can also help rebuild your sense of self-worth.

Why It’s Important: Reclaiming your confidence allows you to break free from the negative conditioning you experienced during the relationship and prevents future toxic dynamics.

4. Reconnect with Your Support System

Narcissists often isolate their victims from friends and family to maintain control. After leaving the relationship, it’s important to rebuild those connections. Reach out to trusted friends and family members who understand what you’ve been through and can offer emotional support. Sharing your experiences with loved ones can help you feel validated and less alone.

If you don’t have a strong support network, consider joining a local or online support group for survivors of narcissistic abuse. Connecting with others who’ve experienced similar situations can be incredibly healing.

Why It’s Important: Isolation keeps you vulnerable to the narcissist’s manipulation. A strong support system helps you regain perspective and gives you the strength to move forward.

5. Seek Therapy or Professional Help

Healing from a narcissistic relationship can be complicated, and professional support can make a significant difference. Therapy, particularly with someone who understands narcissistic abuse, can help you process your emotions, rebuild your self-worth, and develop healthy coping strategies.

A therapist can guide you through the trauma of emotional manipulation, help you break free from the cycle of self-doubt, and support you in setting boundaries moving forward.

Why It’s Important: Therapy offers a safe space to unpack the emotional trauma and provides tools to protect yourself from future toxic relationships.

6. Learn to Trust Again

After a narcissistic relationship, it’s normal to struggle with trust issues. Narcissists often betray trust by lying, manipulating, and distorting reality, leaving you feeling suspicious of others. While it’s important to protect yourself, learning to trust again is vital for your emotional well-being.

Related : How Do Narcissists Normalize Their Behavior?

Take small steps to open yourself up to new relationships, whether with friends, colleagues, or potential romantic partners. It’s okay to set boundaries and take your time, but don’t let the narcissist’s betrayal close you off to the possibility of healthy, supportive relationships.

Why It’s Important: Rebuilding trust is key to moving forward and enjoying fulfilling, balanced relationships in the future. Letting go of past hurt helps you regain emotional freedom.


Leaving a narcissistic relationship is the first step toward reclaiming your life, but the healing process takes time and effort. By going no-contact, acknowledging the abuse, rebuilding your self-esteem, reconnecting with your support system, seeking therapy, and learning to trust again, you can move forward with strength and confidence. Healing is a journey, and with each step, you get closer to rediscovering your worth and building healthier, more fulfilling relationships.

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