6 Things You Can 100% Rely On A Narcissist To Do

Narcissists are consistent in their behavior, often following predictable patterns. When dealing with a narcissist, you can count on these six things happening:

1. Exaggerate Their Achievements

Narcissists have a grandiose sense of self-importance. They often exaggerate their accomplishments, abilities, or experiences to seem more impressive than they are. Whether in social situations or the workplace, they will inflate their successes to gain admiration and attention.

2. Shift Blame Onto Others

Taking responsibility for their actions is something a narcissist avoids at all costs. When something goes wrong, they will deflect blame onto others, making themselves appear faultless. This tactic is used to protect their fragile ego and avoid facing their own shortcomings.

3. Use Charm to Manipulate

Narcissists can be very charming, especially at the beginning of a relationship or when trying to win someone over. They know how to use flattery, compliments, and attention to manipulate others into giving them what they want. However, this charm often fades once they’ve secured their goal.

4. Gaslight to Create Doubt

Gaslighting is a tactic narcissists use to make others question their own reality, memory, or perceptions. When confronted, they may deny saying or doing something, leaving the other person confused and doubting themselves. This form of manipulation helps the narcissist maintain control.

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5. Seek Validation Constantly

Narcissists have an insatiable need for external validation. They require constant praise and recognition to feel worthy. If they don’t receive this, they may react with anger or become upset, often seeking alternative sources of attention to fill the void.

6. Play the Victim

When their behavior is questioned, narcissists often play the victim to gain sympathy or deflect criticism. By portraying themselves as misunderstood or unfairly treated, they shift the focus away from their actions and manipulate others into feeling sorry for them.


Understanding these consistent behaviors can help you recognize and navigate interactions with a narcissist. Being aware of these patterns allows you to set boundaries and protect yourself from their manipulative tactics.

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