You know you’ve hit the relationship jackpot when your partner is also your best friend, and with whom you can be yourself.
“It is not a lack of love, but a lack of friendship that makes unhappy marriages.” – Friedrich Nietzsche
For a relationship to work, you need to know your partner to the core. You need to spend time together and know each other, your fears, your fears, your aspirations, your skills, everything. This way there will be a sense of acceptance and you will be more open to each other, and you will become best friends. For your relationship to succeed and be fruitful, you both need to be good friends first.
Most relationships and marriages fail these days because people seek to take advantage of everything and everything. Your partner is called your other half for reason, treat them as equals, respect them, and let them feel the way you want to feel. Once you become friends, you commit to an emotional and spiritual bond, and then even through tough times, you will walk hand in hand.
So if you’re wondering if your relationship can take all the hardships, ask yourself if your partner is also your best friend.
Here are 6 signs your partner is also your best friend
1) You can bring them with you to hang out with your friends.
Your partner is your best friend, so you don’t feel uncomfortable having them around while you hang out with your friends. Despite the romantic relationship you have, you can be in your circle of friends and share some good times without the slightest hint of jealousy or possessiveness.
You have more fun having them around, so you let them join you at some point in your circle of friends.
Related: 3 Practices to Deepen Love and Connection
2) You can argue with them and still be together.
Arguments are inevitable in a relationship but know this, you can argue with your best friend but don’t let the differences tear you apart. There may be times when everything falls apart but you will hold on to each other and let the storm pass because that is what best friends do.
Your partner will be looking to reach a solution rather than giving up on the relationship.
3) You can talk to them for hours.
The thing about best friends is that you know each other to the core, so when you talk you don’t force things, it just flows. You feel connected and really connected on a spiritual level and you feel like you can move on and never run out of things to say.
Your partner is the best in the world and there is no tiring, you can talk all night long and stop the conversation only when you feel like sleeping. Because you are connected on a soul level, you can relate to most of the things they say.
Related: How To Make Your Partner Feel More Supported
4) You know they have your back.
No matter the situation, you can count on them to have your back. Every time you drop they will be there to pick you up and your refined spirit. Your partner will be by your side no matter how bad times get and how badly you break up, they will be completely by your side and trying everything they can to get you back to your true happy self.
They don’t leave you when you fall, they will fight the world for you and even take a bullet for you. Even when you’re lying there broken, they’ll come by, pick your pieces, and help her put it back together and start over. Through every ups and downs, they are there for and with you.
5) You can be your true self around them.
Your partner should make you feel comfortable in your own skin. You don’t need to pretend to be someone you’re not in front of your best friend. You can just sit back and relax. You can be really crazy and have fun because you know you won’t be judged.
They love you and care about you so they want to see you happy and having some good times. If you can be comfortable in your own skin and have fun with your partner, your partner is also your best friend.
6) Make you feel energetic.
Life can get hard sometimes, it can steal your joys and hit you till you kiss the ground. However, your partner picks you up and wipes the dust off you. They know how to cheer you up and make you laugh even when you don’t want to smile.
Amidst the struggles and misery, does your partner show you hope, life, and the bright light at the end of the tunnel? You matter to them and seeing you sad hurts them but they don’t sit there sad, they want you to be happy and they will cross the ocean for it. When sadness swallows you, your partner breathes joy into you. You can do nothing and still be completely relaxed.
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You don’t need to go that extra mile to impress your partner, your presence will do the trick. You don’t need to rely on anything to entertain your partner, you can just be together in your own skin and stay comfortable. Only each other’s company keeps you satisfied.