6 Regrets Narcissists Never Have

Narcissists are often characterized by their inflated sense of self, lack of empathy, and a manipulative nature. They are rarely self-reflective in the ways that typical individuals might be, especially when it comes to feeling regret for their actions. Here are six key things narcissists never feel remorseful about:

1. Hurting Others

One of the most striking traits of narcissists is their inability to feel empathy. They view relationships as transactions rather than emotional connections, making it easy for them to inflict harm without feeling guilty. Whether it’s through verbal abuse, manipulation, or betrayal, they rationalize their behavior by blaming others or justifying their actions. Regret is not part of their emotional vocabulary when it comes to the pain they cause others.

Why It Happens:

Narcissists often lack the emotional capacity to put themselves in another person’s shoes. Their needs, desires, and goals always come first, and any harm they cause is dismissed as a necessary byproduct of achieving what they want.

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2. Lying and Manipulating

Narcissists are skilled manipulators and liars. They craft false narratives to maintain control over their environment and the people in it. Whether it’s lying about past events, manipulating others’ perceptions, or bending the truth to suit their agenda, narcissists see deceit as a tool rather than something morally wrong. They don’t regret their dishonesty, as it serves their purpose of maintaining power or avoiding responsibility.

Why It Happens:

For narcissists, the end justifies the means. As long as their lies and manipulations achieve their desired outcome, they see no reason to feel regret. Truth and transparency are secondary to their self-interest.

3. Exploiting Relationships

Narcissists are often transactional in relationships, using people for personal gain, whether emotional, financial, or social. They view people as tools to help them reach their objectives and discard them when they are no longer useful. They feel no regret for exploiting others because, in their mind, they are entitled to everything they take.

Why It Happens:

Their grandiose sense of self-importance leads them to believe they deserve more than others. Exploiting relationships is just another way for them to reinforce their superiority and fulfill their needs, with no consideration for the damage left behind.

4. Sabotaging Success

While narcissists appear driven and ambitious, they often sabotage the success of others if it threatens their own sense of superiority. Whether it’s undermining a colleague’s promotion, spreading rumors to diminish someone’s reputation, or sowing discord in personal relationships, they take pleasure in ensuring others don’t outshine them. Regret for harming someone’s success is foreign to them, as they see competition as something to be crushed rather than celebrated.

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Why It Happens:

Narcissists thrive on being the center of attention and being viewed as the most important person in any room. When someone else’s success threatens that status, they lash out in an attempt to bring them down.

5. Neglecting Personal Accountability

One of the most consistent patterns with narcissists is their refusal to take responsibility for their actions. Whether it’s avoiding blame for mistakes or failing to own up to hurtful behavior, narcissists never regret shifting accountability onto others. In their view, nothing is ever their fault, and they will twist reality or find scapegoats to maintain that illusion.

Why It Happens:

Narcissists are deeply protective of their ego. Admitting fault would damage the carefully constructed image they have of themselves as perfect and superior. This need to protect their self-image outweighs any need for personal accountability.

6. Damaging Long-Term Relationships

Narcissists often leave a trail of broken relationships—friendships, romantic partnerships, or even family bonds. Because they lack genuine emotional connections, they rarely regret the damage they do to these relationships. Once a relationship no longer serves their interests, they walk away without a second thought, feeling no sorrow for the pain or loneliness they cause.

Why It Happens:

To a narcissist, people are interchangeable. When one relationship no longer benefits them, they move on to the next without remorse. Their inability to form deep, meaningful connections means they feel no loss when a relationship ends, even if it’s their fault.


Narcissists, driven by their own ego and self-interest, rarely feel regret for their actions, especially when those actions harm others. Their emotional world revolves around maintaining control, power, and superiority. For those affected by narcissists, understanding this lack of remorse can be crucial in breaking free from their manipulation and recognizing that change must come from within, not from waiting for the narcissist to feel regret.

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