6 Perfect Comebacks For Dealing With Arrogant People

Arrogant people make it a point to have some unpleasant people around them. Not only do they think they are better than you, they act as if they know they are better than you.

They also share some traits and characteristics with narcissists, including believing they are unique and only understood by high-status people, always expecting admiration from others, having a high degree of entitlement, and lacking empathy.

Their condescending attitudes and behaviors can make others angry and frustrated, but you don’t have to let these people get you down. Those who stand up to arrogance are seen as having integrity; They will not allow someone to disrespect them.

7 Signs of arrogant people

Now, arrogant people are not the same as confident people, although they are often confused with each other. Confidence is based on proven abilities, while arrogance is based only on ego, not ability.

Here are some traits that distinguish arrogant people from self-confident people.

  1. Ignore the opinions of others

A strong sign of an arrogant person is that they are not open to the opinions of others.

They never take advice from people around them because they think they are on a higher level. If they discuss someone’s opinion, it will only be to point out how flawed they think they are.

  1. Refusing to extend credit where credit is due

Arrogant people insist that they do not need help in any area. This is evident when they do not give credit to anything that deserves it.

Yes, be proud of an accomplishment, but if you help others, they deserve some glory too.

  1. Talk to others

An arrogant person does not care about other people’s feelings, so he has no problem stopping someone while they are talking.

They don’t care what others say and will frequently interrupt to “bless” everyone with their words.

  1. Inability to accept criticism

Arrogant people must always be right. They cannot accept criticism and only agree to positive comments. That is, praise and praise.

If you have anything else to offer them, it will fall on deaf ears. They won’t hear it because, to them, they are right and they will do anything to make sure others know that. They do this to cover up their insecurity.

  1. Feelings of superiority

A good sign of an arrogant person is if they get frustrated easily when things don’t go their way.

If their plan fails, they will quickly become upset. They don’t understand how something they planned went wrong, because it shouldn’t be possible in their minds.

  1. Chronic tardiness

Arrogant people don’t respect other people’s time, so they are late for everything. They show up when they want to show up, and won’t go out of their way to arrive on time for any event unless it’s their own.

They believe that their time is valuable and how they choose to spend it is of the utmost importance.

  1. Struggle to build relationships

Because arrogant people have inflated egos and often have a superiority complex, they struggle to build any kind of relationship, whether platonic or romantic.

Anything they build will be superficial, which leads to a lot of problems when trying to make a real connection. They also often sacrifice those around them for the sake of success and self-gratification.

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