6 Favors Narcissists Expect From You

Narcissists often expect others to cater to their needs, seeing favors as entitlements rather than acts of kindness. Here are six types of favors that narcissists commonly expect from people:

1. Constant Attention and Praise

Narcissists crave admiration and often demand constant attention and praise from others. They may expect you to compliment them regularly, listen to them talk about their achievements, and validate their opinions. When they don’t receive the level of attention they want, they might react with anger, frustration, or even manipulation to regain the spotlight.

2. Emotional Support on Demand

Narcissists expect you to be available whenever they need emotional support, regardless of what you might be going through. They often view their feelings as more important than anyone else’s and may disregard your boundaries when seeking comfort. They expect you to prioritize their emotional needs and may become resentful or dismissive if you fail to do so.

3. Financial Help

When it comes to money, narcissists may feel entitled to ask for financial favors, often with no intention of paying back or reciprocating. They might expect you to lend them money, cover expenses, or even invest in their projects. If you decline, they may resort to guilt-tripping or manipulation to get you to reconsider.

4. Sacrificing Your Time

Narcissists often expect others to put aside their own schedules and priorities to accommodate their needs. They may demand your time for trivial matters, request last-minute favors, or expect you to be available at a moment’s notice. For them, your time is less valuable than theirs, and they may show little appreciation for the sacrifices you make.

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5. Keeping Their Secrets

A narcissist may expect you to keep their secrets, even if it puts you in a difficult position. They often use this expectation to control the narrative, manipulating you into covering up their misdeeds or keeping quiet about questionable behavior. When you try to set boundaries, they might pressure you or threaten to share something personal about you.

6. Supporting Their Agenda

Narcissists expect others to go along with their plans and support their agenda without question. Whether it’s in social situations, at work, or in relationships, they often assume you’ll side with them, help promote their ideas, or defend their actions. When you disagree or choose not to support their plans, they may react with anger, defensiveness, or attempts to undermine your position.


Understanding the types of favors narcissists expect can help you establish healthy boundaries and avoid being manipulated. Recognizing these demands as entitlement rather than genuine requests can empower you to respond in a way that prioritizes your own well-being.

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