6 Common Signs Of An Abusive Relationship That Often Go Unnoticed

The signs of an abusive relationship can be subtle at first, but they often escalate quickly and can have serious consequences. In this article, we will explore some of the warning signs of an abusive relationship and help you understand when is the right time to seek help.

Besides physical abuse, which is easy to recognize, there is emotional or psychological abuse that slowly reduces your mental health, your confidence, your self-esteem, and even your identity.

Most people fail to recognize or ignore emotional abuse because society believes emotional abuse is “okay,” but the physical abuse is a crime. The only problem with emotional abuse is that it is invisible!

Love is meant to be kind, supportive, and adorable. However, not all relationships are built on a solid foundation of love and respect. Unfortunately, many people find themselves trapped in abusive relationships, where the person they love becomes their abuser.

If you are not sure you are in an abusive relationship, here are 6 signs to spot it:

6 Early signs of an abusive relationship

  1. They scream for no reason.
    Everyone gets mad at their wives from time to time. It just happens. But if you find that your partner yells at you a lot and for seemingly no reason, that’s a form of abuse.

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  1. They call you names.
    A name-calling is a form of abuse. No one should ever call you names, whether it’s “bitch” or “idiot” or anything like that. It’s a completely unacceptable type of bullying.
  2. They try to make plans for you.

Even if they don’t yell or call your name, when your partner starts making plans for you, like where you go on vacation or who you can or can’t hang out with, it’s kind of offensive. Control is abuse.

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  1. They control your money.
    This kind of control, as with your schedule, is abuse. If they are constantly worried about your money or give you a modest amount of money to live on (eg if you are a housewife) then that is kind of offensive too.
  2. They manipulate and intimidate.

Manipulation and bullies often don’t require any kind of yelling, swearing, or control, but they do use your thoughts and emotions and turn them against you. They know your weaknesses and exploit them intelligently.

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  1. They beat you, sexually assault you, or verbally torture you.
    Under no circumstances is it abusive if your partner hits you. If you say no to sex and they force themselves on you, that is also abuse. always. If they verbally abuse you, that is abuse. Ask for help if you are in this type of situation.