5 Ways You’re Hurting Yourself By Going Back To Your Toxic Ex

Have you ever felt trapped in an endless cycle of love and hate with the man who you know is not right for you?

When you keep trying to get yourself out of that toxic relationship but somehow, you always end up getting sucked back into it?

Well, time for a reality check. It’s time to put an end to these games and stop going back to the guy you have no future with.

And what better way to do that than by coming to terms with all the ways you hurt yourself by going back to your toxic ex.

  1. The past haunts you
    Let’s face it, we can’t escape our past, as much as we’d like to.

Everything we’ve been through to date has shaped us into who we are today, and there’s nothing you can do to erase your past traumas forever.

However, healing is much easier when you physically and mentally distance yourself from the source of the pain.
It’s one thing if you’re recovering from damage caused to you by someone you cut off, and it’s a completely different thing if that person is still a part of your life.

This is exactly what you’ve been trying to do, you’re trying to heal your heart next to the person who broke it in the first place.

Well, let me burst your bubble and tell you that this is impossible.

  1. You start to believe that this is what you deserve
    After spending a long time around someone who treats you like a piece of trash, over time, you begin to accept this behavior as the norm and as something normal.

After a while, you stop seeing the truth: that you are actually settling for less and start thinking that this is what you deserve.

Somehow, your toxic friend has managed to convince you that everyone else will be just like them because you are the one causing them to be that way.

Your miserable love life and poor mental health are your fault and you are to blame for everything, right?

  1. Give him permission to break your heart again
    When you keep giving endless second chances to someone who clearly doesn’t deserve them and to someone who has hurt you more than once, you are also giving them a chance to do it again.

And when it comes to your toxic friend, there’s no doubt about one thing: this is an opportunity he’ll definitely take advantage of.

However, this shouldn’t surprise you, because you were the one who gave him the green light, the permission to continue breaking your heart.

This is exactly what he will continue to do because by forgiving him, you are indirectly telling him that there is nothing wrong with his behavior and that it is completely acceptable.

  1. Your self-esteem is gone
    Spending years in an endless cycle of breaking up with and coming back to a toxic person shakes your entire personality.

All of this destroys your emotional and mental health and damages your self-esteem.

This happens when the person you love goes out of their way to belittle you, degrade you, hold you back, and convince you that you’re no good for anything.

It doesn’t matter if this guy is emotionally, verbally, or even physically abusive to you, or if he’s cheating on you or not giving you enough attention – the point is the same.

This guy clearly doesn’t realize your true worth, and after a while, you start to believe that you’re not good enough.

As a result, your insecurities grow and your self-confidence is deposited.

  1. You deprive yourself of true love
    One of the saddest things you do to yourself by constantly getting back together with your toxic ex is the fact that you are depriving yourself of the opportunity to find true love.

Every day you stay around this man is one less day you get to meet the man who was meant to be yours.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying you have to be in a relationship to be happy.

However, I can assure you that somewhere there is a man who will give you all the love you deserve.

Even though you don’t have to actively look for this man, as long as you are stuck in this unhealthy relationship, you are not giving your permanent partner a chance to enter your life.

In this way, you are allowing your toxic friend to ruin your future as well, after doing the same to your past and present.