What does a toxic relationship look like? A toxic relationship can take a lot out of you, both mentally and emotionally. These types of relationships leave you feeling negative and defeated all the time. It’s like you can never do anything right, and no matter how much you invest in a relationship, it’s never enough.
The things you feel in a toxic relationship can have serious ramifications when it comes to your mental health, safety, and self-confidence.
5 Things that only happen when you are in a toxic and dead-end relationship
There is a rise in the number of toxic people in our world, so there is a rise in toxic relationships.
Unfortunately, many of us have experienced the signs of a toxic relationship at least once. You might even be in one now!
We wonder how they can be avoided even if we are toxic people. We ask ourselves why, after experiencing past toxic relationships, we continue to have them.
Why are we so susceptible to the temptation of toxic and unhealthy relationships? Do we have some kind of magnetic force that pushes us towards toxic love and toxic people?
Every couple goes through relationship issues, but toxic and unhealthy relationships are different.
And the one major thing to note is that you are constantly getting frustrated and feel like this person is being used. You feel used and angry not only at them but at yourself as well.
But why are we looking for it?
The tendency to unconsciously seek out toxic relationships with past negative experiences usually begins when we are children and may continue throughout our lives.
Read : Are You Losing Yourself In Your Relationship? Stages of Codependency and What To Do
It can become so deeply ingrained in the way we think and feel that we don’t realize that we are mired in toxicity.
How is that? In a toxic relationship, you don’t talk about how you feel.
Perhaps you don’t want the person to get angry because they have some kind of power over you, or you’re holding on to a dream that one day they’ll wake up and realize their transgressions and make amends.
This will most likely never happen unless they come to some kind of realization that they are toxic in the relationship. An important note to make is not to slip into a passive-aggressive level with them.
If you can’t find an appropriate way to connect with them, ask yourself, “How does this relationship benefit me?”
Here are 5 ways you feel when you are in a toxic relationship.
- You can’t seem to do anything right
Does this person constantly bring you down? Do they make you feel like you’re not good enough and make fun of who you are?
Do you feel shy most of the time? Do you only feel accepted when you take on the traits of a judgmental or judgmental person?
- It’s all about them and never about you
You also have feelings, but the other person won’t hear them. You cannot have a two-sided conversation where your opinion is heard, considered, and respected.
Instead of acknowledging your feelings, they fight with you until they get the last word.
- You are not able to have good moments with them
Every day brings with it another challenge. It seems as if they are always raising their fist at you.
Their attempt to control your behavior is their attempt to control your happiness.
- You are not comfortable being yourself around them
Feel free to speak what’s on your mind. You have to put on a different face just for this person to accept it.
Then, you realize that you don’t recognize yourself anymore.
Read : Are You Losing Yourself In Your Relationship? Stages of Codependency and What To Do
- They don’t allow you to grow and change
When you aim to grow and improve yourself, the other person responds with cynicism and disbelief. There is no encouragement or support for your efforts.
Instead, they keep you stuck in old judgments that insist you will never be different what you are now.
If you’re experiencing just one of these signs, check in with yourself to see if the relationship is causing more harm than good.
We all deserve healthy relationships but we won’t get them if we’re stuck in unhealthy relationships.