5 Ways To Shake Off Your Toxic Relationship Habits

Simply identifying your problematic relationship habits is a monumental task in itself, so don’t expect it to happen overnight.

Breaking your toxic habits will take hard work because you won’t notice they’re there until you encounter the same issues with many different partners or encounter the exact same issues with one partner over and over again.

Whatever it is, you’ve clearly endured an uncomfortable amount of heartache, and knowing how to break those bad habits will help you save yourself and be a more considerate and empathetic partner.

Here are some helpful tips that will help you ditch your toxic routine and guide you to a healthier, happier, more self-aware woman.

  1. Stop being negative and learn to ask for the things you want
    You can’t expect your partner to read your mind and know what you want unless you learn to talk about it out loud.

If you’re guilty of muttering to yourself when your partner doesn’t do something you want, ask yourself if you’ve really asked that of them in the first place? If not, learn how to speak up and don’t resent things you didn’t even ask for.

It’s perfectly normal to expect your partner to do his homework, go to the store, or make an extra effort to have fun together, but it’s not okay to expect him to know you want these things without ever saying them out loud.

  1. Realize that your partner is entitled to his or her needs, too
    Sometimes, we can get so caught up in our own world and our own needs that we forget that there is someone else who is also entitled to have their own way.

Next time your partner seems annoyed with you or asks you for something, stop retaliating, and instead, ask them what’s wrong and how you can improve.

You see, you’re not the only one to meet. Your partner too. So be considerate, and learn to meet it halfway. You both need to be happy, so compromise as much as possible and listen to hear, not to respond.

  1. Don’t make your partner the center of your universe
    We’re all guilty of ignoring our friends and family sometimes due to our love lives and our desire to be with our partner 24/7.

But remember that you had a life before him. There are people around you that you love and you need to connect with them so that you don’t get too lost in your relationship and hurt yourself in the long run.

Remind yourself to text your best friend, call your mom, and go for a walk with your family. This will clear your mind and help you see your relationship from a healthy perspective.

Spend quality time with those close to you, and you will appreciate having your partner come home to spend more time.

  1. Don’t let your jealousy get out of control
    If you are a jealous person by nature or have even the slightest bit of jealousy inside you, it is best to come clean before it affects you.

If you want to know where your man is, ask openly, and if you want to know more about his new coworker, just ask him, but don’t resort to snooping and checking his private text messages when he’s not around.

This is a toxic pattern of behavior that can easily get out of control.

Speak up when the smallest things get on your mind, and help your relationship continue. Honesty and transparency are always the best business choices.

  1. Learn to get rid of temporary anger and apologize when necessary
    You won’t always be right, and it’s immature to dwell on it for too long. When your partner apologizes after making a mistake, learn to accept it, and move on!

Don’t hold on to negative feelings. They will just eat you up and make you miserable. Knowing when to apologize and admit when you’re wrong is one of the most mature things anyone can do in a relationship.

You will both make mistakes. What matters is that you both acknowledge it, apologize, and move forward with a clear mind and no resentment.

Find your way out of the mess together, and learn to acknowledge a problem when you notice it. This is the first step towards improving yourself and your relationship.

When you recognize a toxic habit inside you, it is important to admit to yourself its existence, decide firmly to work on getting rid of it, and discuss it with your life partner.