Relationships are tough as it is, but what happens when you fall in love with a passionate vampire? What happens when it takes all your remaining energy? How will you survive recovery if you are unable to get out of bed in the morning?
Well, you fight, you work with what you have, and you survive. You are getting better; You heal. It’s like learning to walk again. It takes a long time and it hurts, but eventually you walk again and forget that you haven’t been able to get up for so long.
These emotional vampires have the ability to make you feel unworthy and unloved. They will always find a way to make you feel bad about yourself. This is their main weapon to control you. But because there are different types of emotional vampires, they do the same thing but in different ways.
These are the types and what you should do to defend yourself:
- The narcissist
The most famous of them all is Beyoncé in the world of singing. Narcissists are very dangerous. The most important person to them is themselves. They are people who are incapable of loving anyone. They can care about someone, as long as that person does whatever they want. They are attention seekers and crave admiration. When they walk into a room, they want all eyes to be on them and they enjoy it a lot. They will lie, cheat, and hurt you, just to get exactly what they want. These dangerous manipulators feel no remorse because they do not feel love.
How to deal with them: Keep your desires reasonable. These are very dangerous individuals. Never trust them with your feelings or let your self-esteem fall into their hands. Don’t think they can change and fall helplessly in love, because they can’t and you can’t change them – no matter what you do. Women often fall into this trap. Don’t trust them with your feelings and never allow them to, because if you do, you will get emotionally attached and eventually get hurt badly.
- The traitor
They are absolute champions at keeping you on the emotional roller coaster. One day, they’ll love you more, and the other day, they’ll hate you — depends on what you did to make him feel that way. And since he’s an emotional vampire, you haven’t done anything wrong. You just did something that he didn’t approve of or didn’t like, so he turned his back on you at that moment.
How to deal with them: They will attack you emotionally whenever they get the chance, and the most important thing for you is to be ready to defend yourself. Don’t make eye contact while they’re yelling at you, and don’t give them any reason to go any further. Build a wall around yourself that protects you from their behavior. The last and most important piece of advice, just leave this person. Your life could be so much better than it is because of him.
- The victim
The whole world is against them. They are always the underdog in everything they do. Even if you offer them a solution, they will find an excuse not to go through with it. The only solution for them is to do what they want you to do, so they can be happy. If you are in a relationship with the “victim,” your life will become hell, and if you know someone like that, you will probably avoid his calls and texts.
How to deal with them: There is a way to protect yourself from these kind of people. There are some body language signs that will let them know that you don’t want to discuss what they want with you. You can cross your arms and look away, letting them know you’re not inviting them into your personal space. If you are in a relationship with someone like this, don’t let them talk unless they decide to listen to your solution. If they continue to reject you, refuse to talk about the topic in general.
- The critic
No matter what you do, they will find fault with it. They will criticize you all the time to undermine you and make you feel like you are not good enough. Even when you do something right, they will set the bar higher so you never reach it. They will expect too much from you by setting ridiculously high standards that are impossible to meet.
How to deal with them: Don’t take any of the words they say personally. They are only meant to hurt you and none of it is true. You shouldn’t defend yourself because that will show him that he managed to get to you with his provocations. Don’t give him any reason to think that you are hurt, this way encourage him to criticize you more.
- Continuous speaker
These people have no interest in what you have to say. The only thing they want to do is talk and talk. They have the need to say whatever they want about themselves and when it’s your turn, they don’t let you, and even if they do, they don’t really listen to you, they just pretend.
How to deal with them: They don’t know how to pick up on the subtle signals that you don’t want them to talk anymore, so you have to be honest and interrupt them. Try to do it politely with an excuse – that’s best – or if it’s someone close to you, like a family member, just stop it and explain why. Going crazy at them and screaming won’t have any results.