Sometimes it can be difficult to separate the real people from the fake ones. Even the nicest people can be nasty behind closed doors.
Fake people can leave you in trouble, because they will do anything to get where they want to be, no matter what sacrifice as no one can stand in their way. Real people are the people you want to be with. They will assist you in your endeavors and are great team members in a working environment.
So, how can we tell who is fake and who is real?
There are a few traits to look for that give you insight into someone’s true intentions, and whether they have ulterior motives. To help you weed out the fakes from your friends, we’ve pulled them together to give you a secret weapon.
- Selective respect according to effect
Real people respect everyone around them, ensuring that everyone feels valued and important. They are equally polite and friendly to everyone at all times, not just when it is convenient for them or when they think it could give them an unfair chance.
Fake people can be deceptively respectful, but you’ll notice that respect doesn’t apply to everyone. In fact, they only show respect for those who have power or influence. Fake people try to get close to people in power and they won’t give you the time of day if you don’t have something they might need. If you see this trait in a person, it might be best to stay out of his way.
- Excessive bragging
It is natural to be proud of one’s accomplishments and to share them with those around you. Real people make sure to celebrate with others on life’s big occasions. They will also make sure to celebrate with others their accomplishments. They know when to celebrate an achievement and when to be humble.
Fake people, on the other hand, don’t. They will use even the smallest achievement to get attention and praise. Nor are they afraid to massage the truth a bit to achieve the effect they want. If someone is desperate for unnecessary attention, they may be someone with an ulterior motive.
- Cute when it suits them
Much like choosing who you respect and when, fake people are only nice when it suits them. If you can help them or have something they want, they will be your best friend. However, as soon as you achieve your goal, they will disappear without a trace. Fake people use others for their own gain, which is a bad trait to have.
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However, real people will be there no matter what. Their friendships are not based on trying to achieve something. They genuinely love spending time with you and care about you as a person.
- Constant dizziness
Fake people out for themselves. They want to climb the career ladder and achieve everything they can, regardless of who they have to stand up to in the process. They will do anything to impress the officials, without shame or restraint. This is something to look out for. The fake people will be the ones hovering around their boss and laughing at all his terrible jokes.
On the other hand, genuine people will make their targets open and honest. They won’t obsess over an opportunity to communicate or support their own viewpoints and will be fun to talk to, no matter what your job title is.
- False promises
Real people don’t take promises and commitments lightly and will go out of their way to keep a date or meeting going. Fake people are not considerate. It’s not that they aren’t liberal with their promises, the problem is that they deliver.
They will promise you the moon if you will give them something in return, but they will never deliver. If you know someone is fake, you will know that they are not someone you can count on.
Concluding thoughts
Real people are more fun to be around. They are more reliable in their thoughts and actions and are great friends and colleagues.
Unfortunately, when someone wants to look good or perform well, they will do anything they can to get what they want. They will become fake and pushy, and those are the people you need to look out for.
Knowing the difference between a fake person and a real person is a great skill to have in your arsenal. It will keep you away from those who only want to take advantage of you for their own gain. We hope that in the future this will help you spot those who aren’t so honest so you can walk away from them and surround yourself with real people.