5 Things Narcissists Do To Be The Center Of Attention

Narcissists are often characterized by their need to be the center of attention, craving admiration and validation. Their behavior can be subtle or blatant, but the driving force behind it is a deep-rooted need to feel superior. Below are five things narcissists do to ensure they remain in the spotlight.

1. Constantly Seek Validation

One of the primary traits of narcissists is their need for external validation. Whether it’s through compliments, social media likes, or even subtle praise, they thrive on attention. Narcissists often manipulate conversations to highlight their achievements or experiences. By continuously steering discussions back to themselves, they ensure they remain the focal point.

2. Exaggerate Accomplishments

Narcissists tend to exaggerate their accomplishments, often inflating their success to make themselves appear more impressive than they really are. They may tell embellished stories about their career, personal life, or social status. By doing so, they draw attention to themselves and secure admiration from others, even if it’s based on half-truths or outright lies.

3. Interrupt Conversations

If a narcissist feels they’re losing attention in a group setting, they won’t hesitate to interrupt. Whether it’s a casual conversation or an important discussion, they will interject to steer the focus back to themselves. They thrive in environments where they can dominate the conversation, using charm, humor, or even controversy to regain control.

4. Play the Victim

Interestingly, narcissists will often play the victim to garner sympathy. This tactic helps them manipulate others into giving them attention and validation. Whether it’s exaggerating personal struggles or fabricating hardships, they present themselves as victims to elicit concern and affection from others, all while ensuring the focus remains on them.

5. Create Drama

Drama and chaos seem to follow narcissists wherever they go—often because they intentionally create it. Narcissists may stir up conflict or provoke arguments just to become the center of attention. This tactic works because people naturally gravitate towards dramatic situations, ensuring the narcissist stays in the spotlight.


Narcissists employ a variety of tactics to keep themselves at the center of attention. From seeking validation and exaggerating their achievements to interrupting conversations and playing the victim, they continuously work to ensure that the spotlight stays on them. Recognizing these behaviors can help you set boundaries and avoid getting drawn into their manipulative games.

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