If you’ve ever dealt with a narcissist, you know how dangerous these people can be.

You are fully aware that they have the power to destroy your mental and emotional health, and that their actions leave indelible scars on their victims.

However, the trick about narcissists is that they don’t seem as toxic as they actually are when you first meet them.

Instead, people with narcissistic personality disorder wear masks that help them hide their true selves.

These masks are actually personalities that narcissists create in order to fit into the world and attract their victims more easily.

  1. Coward

When you first look at things, you may think that your narcissist is a brave man. He represents himself as brave, someone without fears and getting the job done.

However, the truth is actually quite different. In fact, narcissists are the biggest cowards of all.

I’m not talking about the usual kind of cheese here.

Not that this guy is afraid of the dark or monsters under the bed.

The truth is that they are weak and emotionally fragile.

However, instead of working on their issues, narcissists will do everything they can to hide their cowardly nature and keep it under wraps.

The greatest fear of every narcissist is that people will see his true personality.

That someone will see through him and he will be exposed to the whole world.

In the end, this man fears for himself more than anyone else. – He feels afraid of his emotions and cannot control them.

He is also a coward in taking responsibility.

This guy would rather run away from everything than face the consequences of his actions like a real adult.

  1. False

Whether we want to admit it or not, we all lie from time to time. We tell innocent white lies that help us get out of certain situations.

Sometimes, we lie to protect our loved ones.

We hide the terrible truth and present it differently because that is the only way to keep someone else’s heart from being broken.

Although lying is never acceptable, narcissists are not just “normal” liars.

In fact, their entire lives are built on deception.

These people are compulsive liars. They use half-truths and will only tell you things that suit them.

  1. Bully

You know those high school bullies you see in the movies?

Or maybe you experienced something like this when you were younger.

Well, a narcissist is a prototype of a bully. However, this side of them is carefully hidden behind the mask.

When you first meet a narcissist, they will pretend to be your biggest supporter.

This guy acts like his goal is to boost your self-esteem, when in reality he’s doing the exact opposite.

He pretends to want to inspire you to be better. He convinces you that he is criticizing you for your own good.

Well, that’s an interface. The narcissist is actually a bully who takes advantage of every opportunity he gets to humiliate his victims.

It will bring you down and make you feel worthless. He will insult you and try hard to make you lose all self-respect.

The reason why narcissists behave this way is actually quite simple.

Putting his victim underneath him is the only way for this man to feel better about himself.

He knows deep down that he is not enough.

He knows that you are better than him and he needs to remove this advantage that you have.

  1. Attention seeker

Narcissists need attention in the same way we need air. It is the most important thing that motivates them and fuels them.

These people have an incredible desire to be in the spotlight.

They want to be recognized because this is the only way to feel important and valuable.

Therefore, the narcissist always chooses his victims according to their reactions.

He’s not interested in bullying someone who doesn’t give him any feedback.

This type of man thinks he is better than everyone else. However, he needs this confirmation.

He needs you to praise him. He needs his victim to like him to feel valuable.

  1. Manipulator

Finally, every narcissist is a manipulator. Although he may seem like an honest person, in reality, he is doing everything he can to trick your mind into believing things that are not true.

This guy will cheat on you. He will gaslight you and turn the truth upside down.

Finally, he will make his victims feel guilty for the things he did to them.

He will distort their perception of reality and continue to manipulate them as long as he has the opportunity.