5 Terrifying Ways Narcissists Bring Chaos Into Your Life

What do all narcissists have in common?

Undoubtedly, it will bring absolute chaos into your life and disrupt your world as you know it.

Before a narcissist came along, you probably lived a very comfortable life.

You had your little rituals that you were loyal to, your circle of friends that you spent a lot of time with, and your job was very fulfilling.

Sure, you’ve had your day-to-day problems like the rest of us do, but nothing is out of the ordinary or beyond repair.

But once he entered your life, everything changed.

It always happens gradually.

One little thing after another happened and before you knew it, it had taken complete control of your mind, body, and soul and your world as you knew it no longer existed.

Everything good you were doing for yourself has suddenly been ruined.

Your plans and habits changed radically because he had other plans for you.

Who you spent the most time with is no longer up to you.

He controlled that too.

You still see your friends…but not as much as you used to.

Your family noticed something was off but didn’t know the extent.

Why no one.

This wasn’t something you were ever comfortable talking about, but your narcissist had brought so much chaos into your life that you felt somewhat ashamed and guilty for letting him.

But that wasn’t your fault.

This is what they do.

They can’t keep you interested any other way, so they resort to these five ways that completely disrupt your world in order to keep you hooked for as long as possible.

  1. Deliberately provoke you until you lose your mind

Narcissists and sociopaths are masters of this.

They know just what buttons to press and what makes you tick.

They know the way into your mind and boy, will they use it to their advantage!

They will create a scenario to see how you will react.

They will blame you for something that has absolutely nothing to do with you, just to see how far they can push you.

Once they see that what they are doing is working, they won’t stop.

They will continue to search and find new areas to hurt and provoke you to an extent that you never knew existed.

You’ll slowly lose your fucking mind, with a little help from your narcissist’s favorite tactic of keeping you around.

He’ll tease you until he’s done with you, and then he knows you’ll feel so mad that you won’t turn to anyone else.

This is how he keeps his victims under surveillance.

  1. Sabotaging all your plans and celebratory events

You didn’t think he’d let you stay happy, did you?

Because he definitely won’t.

On holidays and all your festive occasions, he will make sure to cause some trouble so that you are not happy.

Any event that catches his attention is off limits.

They can’t make you stay in the spotlight and actually enjoy yourself.

That’s why he will always make sure to keep you distracted in the worst ways possible during the moments when you should be happy.

Haven’t you noticed how your plans always somehow turn into nonsense when he’s around?

Pay attention to this.

You will see how he never lets you enjoy your happy moments.

  1. Turning on another woman to get his attention

He makes you jealous as a way to realize how much you really want to be with him (because of his subtle manipulations), which is what the narcissist does as soon as he notices your withdrawal.

He will make a comment about another woman and how attractive she is for the sole purpose of having you have a problem with it.

He will be very sneaky and you won’t even know that he is doing this just to turn you on.

It will be someone you know or see regularly, so that you are always reminded of them when you see them.

This way, he will make you fight for his attention without you having to do anything.

I knew I had to show him that I was responsible for myself and that he couldn’t do anything about it.

The truth is that it took me a long time before I regained control of myself, but the goal was to show him that he couldn’t influence me anymore.

The goal was to prove to him that he did not influence me anymore.

This is exactly the way to hurt a narcissist and what makes him lose interest in abusing you even more and this is the thing that drives the narcissist away.

Take your life back into your own hands and don’t let a manipulative narcissist dictate your lifestyle.

Do not allow it to control your thought process and prevent it from entering your mind.

You are a strong, powerful woman who can hunt down this sociopath and break his spell.

All you need is a little perseverance and a good support system.

Kick this fucker out and don’t let him back into your life again.