Could there be a fake person in your life? We’ve all met someone before who seems nice at first… Keywords: at first.
Soon that nice facade they’ve built wears off and you see her for what she is, a fake person. Fake people often manipulate everyone around them, from family and friends to strangers, so they can get what they want in life. Once they no longer need you, their seemingly genuine personality will disappear into thin air.
If you suspect someone in your life to be a big fat faker, it’s best to distance yourself from them before they use or take advantage of you.
Here are five signs that you are dealing with a fake person:
- They ask you a question but leave before you can answer
Have you ever run into someone at a party who seemed excited to see you for about thirty seconds, until their attention span faded before your very eyes? If someone says, “Hi! How are you?” and then turns around to talk to someone else before you have time to open your mouth, that person is not someone you need to bother being friends with. - Everything is more convenient for them
When someone makes sure everything is right for themselves first before thinking about others, they are not worth your time. They may come across as cute and even free-spirited and cheerful, yet you notice that everything always works out for them, even when it means other people in the group have to suffer.
These types of people are fake because they’re only nice as long as it’s right for them and not a moment longer. Once they are unhappy, they are not cute.
- They leave your side once they get to know another person
Oftentimes, fake people will use others to comfort themselves. If they’re in a social setting and don’t know anyone, they’ll act like they’re friends with you until they feel and look like they’re popular.
Once they see someone they like better, or who has a higher social status, they will leave your side to join the “more important” person.
This fake person has just used you as a ladder to crawl onto the social scene. They were only nice to you when they needed your company’s support.
- They seem so excited to see you when it doesn’t feel right
When you see an old friend for the first time in a while, you might just scream and hug each other. But when an acquaintance you’re making small talk with at work does this, you have to wonder if they’re faking it.
Are they in a situation where they want to appear like they have more friends, or do they need something from you later? Pay close attention to their behavior and see if they ask you for favors soon after.
- They keep repeating themselves
Have you ever met anyone who loves to hear themselves speak? If someone asks you questions just so they can give you their answer, that’s a pretty big sign that they’re faking it.
Oftentimes, fake people will seem genuinely interested in what you have to say and nod enthusiastically. However, I later notice that they never remember the things I told them so many times.