5 Signs the Proud Person in Your Life Is Just Arrogant

Pride is the great quality for appreciating your successes and being confident in your endeavors. But when does pride become toxic and become a manifestation of arrogance? Could the proud person you know be arrogant? Do you sometimes feel that your significant other is not proud but has reached a point of no return to become arrogant?

What is the difference between pride and arrogance? Let’s take a look at how to tell if a proud person is just arrogant.

Definition of Pride:

The dictionary defines pride as:

“To feel self-esteem or to enjoy something with which to measure one’s self-worth; or to be a cause for pride.”

Feelings of pride reflect your emotions arising from an accomplishment. Feeling proud of yourself is associated with an achievement or success that rewards your efforts positively.

Pride isn’t just about yourself; You can be proud of others or be proud of the group’s accomplishments. It is associated with other feelings, such as honor, dignity, and self-respect. Pride is justified and has a specific reason.

Confidence is not a bad trait, and taking pride in your successes can lead to improved self-esteem. The problem, of course, comes with overwhelming pride, and when those positive personality traits are overshadowed by confidence and become arrogance.

Definition of Arrogance:

Arrogance is not pride. A proud person is not necessarily arrogant. Being arrogant is similar to other negative views:

Lack of respect
An arrogant person believes they are superior to others, whether or not they have rational reason to believe that. They consider themselves more valuable, their contributions more important, and have excessive expectations of their abilities.

This leads to dominance, an elevated impression of one’s talent, and a lack of respect or respect for others around them. Vanity is not justified, is not necessarily associated with any accomplishments or successes, and applies only to that person’s opinion of themselves.

Signs that a proud person is just being arrogant

  1. They demand to be the center of attention
    People who have achieved great things have every right to be proud. However, talent speaks for itself, and sometimes the most successful people shy away from the limelight. A cocky person will insist on being the center of attention at all times.

This can appear as follows:

Talk to people in the conversation

Raising their voice to be heard, or drowning out others
Heart each subject to talk about themselves
Having a dominant personality
Refuse to let anyone else make decisions

  1. They feel threatened by proud others
    Anyone with a lot to feel confident in will welcome interesting conversations, personal challenges and meeting new people. If you are confident and have a healthy level of self-esteem, it is not unusual for you to feel intimidated by others.

An arrogant person will often feel “at risk” when confronted with other people who may be able to spot flaws in their character and contradict their boasts of accomplishments.

  1. They often get angry or upset with people they see as weak
    Selfish people do not have much time for others, and they usually try to surround themselves with a social group that they consider their peers. Egotistic people often try to associate themselves with connections with accomplishments greater than their own, either to obtain a higher social status or because they believe they are on an equal footing.

Likewise, an arrogant person will find quieter people or those they consider weak to be a nuisance. They have no empathy, won’t be willing to spend any time with people who aren’t working toward their goals, and will quickly become frustrated and upset.

  1. They always think they are right
    Vanity means believing that your thoughts, suggestions, or ideas are much better than those that anyone else can come up with. Arrogant are uncompromising and difficult to work with and live with.

Have you ever seen someone watch an expert on the news, or watch a professional sporting event, and insist they knew better, or could have done better? This is an example of excessive pride, where a person truly believes in their ability to think, and to perform physically better than anyone else – no matter how much evidence there may be to the contrary!

  1. They have no respect for others
    If people have a very high opinion of themselves, they probably don’t have much room in their psyche to think about anyone else.

A person with excessive pride will often show this in many small ways, which can definitively indicate a lack of respect for others:

Always late
Don’t do anyone else a favor
Having high expectations of the people in their lives
Not wanting to show any generosity
talk to people
Hang up without saying goodbye
Interrupt constantly
