The Law of Attraction is a popular self-growth technique used and adored by both spiritualists and psychologists alike. It states that you attract what you are. This means that what you give to the world, you will give back to yourself.
It is based on the principle that like attracts like. This can apply to almost anything in your life that may be good or bad. Romantic partners, friends, careers, and experiences can be affected by the power of attraction.
If you are committed enough to something, you can draw it to you with intention.
It is believed that if you focus enough on what you want, or don’t want, it will come to you. For example, if you focus on getting a promotion, by thinking about it, imagining it, and considering it already accomplished, that promotion will be yours. If you are determined about your future promotion, you will attract it to you.
Likewise, if you are stuck in a negative place, perhaps focusing on your fears or doubts, they will come to you as well. This may mean focusing so much on the fear that your partner will leave you that you force your fears to come true.
Reasons why you attract who you are
- Your thoughts are too focused
If you attract what you focus on, you have to be careful not to let your thoughts get away from you.
Often we become fixated, or very focused, on one train of thought. You may find yourself obsessing for days or weeks on end about things that make you anxious or depressed. This is a natural cycle but it is difficult to break. This type of obsessive thinking is exactly what the Law of Attraction is based on.
For example, you are stressed and all your thoughts revolve around this stress. According to the theory, this will only attract more stress to you.
On the other hand, if you are optimistic, your thoughts are positive, and you are equally obsessed with the good things in your life, you will be attracted to more positive things.
If you’re not sure why you’re drawn to certain circumstances in your life, take a look inward at where you’re focusing your thoughts. Because your highly focused thoughts dictate who you are, and attract who you are, you have the power to choose whether negativity or positivity comes to you by reforming your mindset.
- The strength of your self-confidence
The Law of Attraction only works if you truly believe that you are worthy of what you are trying to attract. According to the theory, you attract what you are, meaning you have to fully believe that you are, or can be, exactly what you hope to be.
People who successfully use the Law of Attraction have a real, strong sense of self-confidence and an unwavering belief that they can get what they desire.
In order to attract who you are, you have to be confident in yourself. If your thoughts are not as strong and resolute as they could be, your doubts will shine through. Whatever you want, you have to believe that you can get it. Any lack of security will lead to mediocre results at best. If your thinking is only halfway, then what you attract will be too.
- Good things happen to bad people
We’ve all heard this saying, and we all know people to whom this theory applies. Someone may be terrible, but they keep achieving their goals and good things seem to keep happening to them, no matter how little they deserve them.
If we apply the law of attraction, it is a result of their strong, unwavering confidence. When you attract what you are, what you are should be etched in stone.
We may think that someone is a bad person because of their apparent arrogance, but that is exactly what helps them attract what they want from life. They sincerely believe that they deserve success, sometimes too much, but the stronger your belief, the better.
Fortunately, there’s no need to give up your morals just to increase your chances of attraction. You simply need to channel the kind of confidence these people have. They don’t seek approval or worry about whether they deserve good things, they just go out and get them. Their apparent lack of self-doubt increases their chances of attracting their targets.
- The effect of karma
The law of karma also works on the principle that you attract what you are, and is only slightly different in that karma states that “what you put into the universe will come back to you.”
Karma is way more negative. The Law of Attraction requires you to attract who you are in more active ways. While karma works by taking actions and waiting for the universe to return something of equal value to you, the law of attraction requires you to manifest what you deeply desire in order to attract it to you.
Sometimes, these two laws can overlap and mix (see: Bad People Get Good Things!). However, most of the time, they reinforce each other.
If your thoughts are positively focused on your goals and you spread that good will into the world around you, you will attract exactly what you want most. The universe will sympathize with you if you show it positivity and optimism.
- Your behaviors and thoughts
In order to attract who you are, you must think, live and be exactly that.
To attract success in your career, for example, you have to act and think as if it’s already done. Head to work with the pride and effort of someone who has already achieved the promotions you want.
People who live their lives as if they have already achieved complete success tend to become so anyway through sheer force of will. If you really want to attract something, your behaviors must match your thoughts.
You have to wake up every day and act as if this is exactly what is going to happen. In order to attract who you are, you have to be sure that you really are whatever it is.
This concept also applies in reverse. You can live, breathe, eat and sleep according to your goals. But if you have any doubt in your mind, it will be clear what you attract.
Self-doubt or feeling like you don’t deserve to achieve your dreams is enough to take a toll on your outward confidence. In order to attract who you are, you have to fully believe in who you are as well.
Using the Law of Attraction, you can attract what you are through intentional, direct thinking and manifestation. Over-focusing on exactly what you want out of life can lead to powerful results and a high success rate. Technologies like these have helped people all over the world achieve their dreams and many people swear by them.
Whatever you want out of life, whether it’s romance, career advancement, academic success, or just more positivity in your daily life, you can create a world where that will come directly to you, just by dedicating yourself to the cause.